MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone here speak French ?

Does anyone here speak French ?

Well enough to translate what this girl is saying ?


StoneKeeper is your guy.


Haven't seen him around for a while but thanks.


Are you smitten, Quasi? :)


Look at her, listen to her, and you tell me...

I tell you one thing, I have never in my life met a girl like her in Australia. I guess she is what the French would describe as coquettish. To me she seems incredibly animated and delightful.


Yes, she's very striking.

And she looks like the kind of woman who will still be beautiful even later in life.


Yes she does. I hope she gets married and has lots of kids.


I think she is Tunisian.



Yes her ethnicity is Tunisian but clearly she was either born in France or has lived there for a long time.


She's talking about how she finds it amusing that people usually don't know where she's from.

Her name is Meriem and she's 22 years old and she's from Tunisia. She runs a business and she's a model.

Do you want to know what else she is saying?


Ah thanks. So she is actually living in Tunisia ? Okay so I just looked up Tunisia and I didn't know that a lot of people there speak French so that explains it.

If there is anything else interesting otherwise no that's fine thank you.


She's just talking about her family history and how they are from a mountainous region so they weren't really affected by the invasions. There is a mix of Mediterranean and some light skin. I think it's her grandmother who had bleu bleu bleu eyes.

She did end by saying that she is 100% Tunisian.

A lot of people in Tunisia speak french.


Ah so if her grandmother had blue eyes she is likely a descendant of the Berbers who were originally Vikings if I remember correctly. And maybe her family had a limited amount of mixing with the Arab muslim invaders to give her the little colour she inherited.


I was once visiting the family of some friends of my father, in the Maghreb. The whole family was blonde with blue eyes.

They actually descend from the Germanic (not Viking) invasions that went through Spain and reached the north of Africa. They're very scarce, nowadays. And for what matters, Arabs use to be very racist towards them.


So the Germanic people invaded as well as the Vikings. I find all of that prehistory fascinating. Yes some people seem to think that whites invented racism and that we are the only ones who practice it which is utter nonsense. Every people is racist to some degree if they would only admit it. The Japanese and the Chinese in particular would make your hair stand on end with their decidedly unflattering opinions of foreigners !


Nope, the Vikings never invaded the south of Europe. There were raids, and they reached the north of Africa, but they never stayed. It was the Germanic tribes the ones that invaded Spain and the Maghreb and stayed.

Note: 'Maghreb' means 'western' in Arabic, and refers either to Maroc (you can notice it's really the same word), or (more usually) to the western part of North Africa, including Maroc, Alger and Tunisia.

Spain was a Germanic kingdom during several centuries, before it was invaded by the Arabs.

As an interesting fact, the Germanic invaders mixed with the local population, while the Arabs established some kind of apartheid and didn't mix. That's why Spain has almost zero Arab blood (beyond modern immigrants). You can still notice it nowadays, my mother was from the south of Spain, and she had blue eyes.


Hmm that's not what I seem to remember. I read somewhere that there was a genetic link between the Berbers and the Scandinavians and also that the Middle Eastern contribution to Spanish DNA was significant.


I read somewhere that there was a genetic link between the Berbers and the Scandinavians

Nope, but...

The most important invasions were the Goths and the Vandals. Both are considered as Germanic tribes. However, their origin is placed somewhere in southern Sweden. So, well, kind of blurry.

the Middle Eastern contribution to Spanish DNA was significant

That was a common belief years ago. Genetic maps have proven it wrong. Actually, the only part of Spain which is a bit close (genetically) to North Africa is Galicia, in the north-west... and which was never invaded by the Arabs in first place!


If anyone does please help.

I remember in HS Atittalar (questionable spelling) was a french word, but the translation does not read it.

what does it mean.


I don't know which word you are meaning. Is it in the video and if so what time?


ah man. it was in a learn french videio they showed in school.

Attialor papa.

Attitalor jenny.


Was it perhaps tout à l'heure? That means 'in a while'.

Or perhaps zut alors? Which means 'damn!'


Madame or Sir,

Thank you so much.
I put what you wrote into google translation and yep that was it.

See you later dad.

See you later Jenny.


You are most welcome.


Click on "Settings" , then CC and you will find an "auto-translate" option.


Okay thanks but the auto-translate still needs a bit of work judging by that performance. To be fair she does talk very quickly so that might make it more difficult.


Oui bien sûr, mais il semble que je suis trop tard.


Feel free to double check my translation. I am super rusty, and she did speak quickly.


I haven’t watched it yet, but I’ll give it a go when I get a moment.


Good morning Mr Phelps. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go to the first post in this thread. There you will find a link to a Youtube video of a girl speaking French. Translate what she says into English and report what she said back to this thread. As always if you or any of your translators be caught or killed in the execution of this mission my secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This board will self destruct in fifteen seconds.


Cue iconic theme music.
