MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > One of my biggest fears.

One of my biggest fears.

One of my biggest fears is being summoned for jury duty. I'll claim I'm racist if it helps me get out of it.


How have you managed to not be summoned for jury duty? I've been summoned about 10 times.


It's possible he doesn't vote in elections or doesn't drive.

They get the names for jury duty from registered voters or from the DMV, do they not?


Oh. I suppose that's possible, although most people do one or the other. Yeah, I think they get the list from the DMV.


Just never had it. My brother only got a questionaire in the mail once and my sister has never got one.


Weird, and lucky. Time for you and your sister to start playing the lottery.


Someone here mentioned that they didn't have to serve because they lived far from the courthouse. Maybe I've never got one because I'm in an area away from a courthouse. I don't even know where the nearest one is.


Maybe. Same for your sister? I thought they sent summons out, regardless of how far you live from a courthouse. Most of the ones I got were for a courthouse 40 miles away with crazy traffic both ways. It'd have taken me at least 3 hours of travel time each day.


I don't know where the nearest courthouse for my sister is. She does love in the middle of nowhere though.


Not a good thing for her love life!


She's married.


(Did you notice your typo up there ^ ?)


Oh. Well I guess living in the middle of nowhere automatically makes her love in the middle of nowhere as well.




I will condemn everyone to hanging the next time I come up for it, jury duty is ridiculous for working people

Jury duty is total bullshit👎
I'm NOT a legal expert and most people I meet are somewhat dumb...The Jury gig needs to be professionalized

Also, I try to stay out of legal stuff...ZERO interest, I'm alone and I mind my own business
(I'd prefer it if the rest of you don't commit crimes but I'm nobody's boss and I'm always armed so do your thing:)

I've been called twice to Jury Duty...what a foolish bunch our 'Jury Of Peers' seem to be (both cases were domestic violence issues and both accused parties pled guilty...they admitted to beating up their wives and kids...I missed work because scumbags beat up their families...I don't deserve that, I Don't need to know this stuff

My boss was a bit miffed at my days off, my coworkers needed me on the job and it takes a day to get back up to speed with what's going on in the office...I lost a week of productivity, accomplishment and advancement because of scumbags that kick the dog and hit the kids...this really pissed me off

I was sleeping in my cozy bed with my sweet wife when these two filthy losers punched out their wives and families, I knew nothing of the bums nor their kin

Jury Duty is against my rights, I'm no judge, I'm just a regular person


Jury Duty is against my rights, I'm no judge, I'm just a regular person.

Honestly, I feel the same way. This is a free country and I don't see why I would be forced to do this.

But I also feel that if you're not interested, that wouldn't be an ideal situation for someone who probably won't be paying attention.


Trust me Joe, I'm super duper uninterested
Smacking the wife and kids around is an automatic prison trip imo...bread and water for a few years I'd say

PLUS, I got ripped off parking in the court house'd think they wouldn't charge you when they 'SUMMON' you lol

Next Summons is going in the fireplace👍

I'm no judge and why should I pay 9 bucks a day to park and prove it


They called me once. I had my work attest to the fact that they could not spare me. I never went. Now that I'm retired, it might make an interesting bucket list item.



My brother who is self employed refuses to go. He shreds the notices he gets.


That's gotta be illegal.


he's been doing this for 15 years and never got a follow up.


Canada must have different laws. As a naive teen, I did the same thing and got threatened with legal action.


It is mandatory here and you can have an arrest warrant issued for repeat failures to show, but I don't think they really enforce it.


How many times has he been called? I've never gotten a summons.


3-4 times


Wow. I'm jealous. Hahaha


Tell them you have bowel problems and can't sit through a trial without getting up multiple times.


Not gonna lie, I've thought about that if I was ever summoned.


Now that I don't work a traditional 9-5 job, I'd love to do jury duty. I think it would be really interesting.


I always told them I was out of the country on the specified dates - worked every time.
