Hotness snobbery
This is a bit of a rant or a letting off of steam, so...if you don't care, that's fine, but I just wanted to get this off my chest and yell into the void as it were.
I've been seeing more and more message board threads dedicated to saying how plain-looking or unattractive certain celebrities are. What's more, you can't mention an example of a hot person without having the person you're talking to go, "Well, I actually personally find [whoever] unattractive - even repulsive and hideous!"
What's going on?
I know that everybody's got their own measure of attractiveness, but people can't admit that 99% of the planet finds the Hollywood people hotter than everybody else? Character actors excepted, they pick people based on attractiveness - that's a cliche, a trope as old as the Hollywood hills!
The impression I always get - and I don't want to directly accuse any one person of doing this - but it's almost like people make statements and then don't want to "lose" an argument, so instead of conceding a point or an example, they just stonewall. "Nope. Nope. They're not hot!" Not even the whole argument, just, "Yeah, I see your point, that person is attractive; nevertheless, I think my argument still stands"
It's like they have their fingers in their ears going, "la-la-la!" or something.
And if people think that - not just personal taste - but that these people in the films are downright ugly or unattractive, I'm sorry, their standards are too high and (true or not) they're coming off as the stereotype of the prototypical mother's basement-living, D&D-playing, lisping neckbeard who has never seen a real woman and just runs their mouth about women without knowing the first thing about real human interaction.
Just getting a little baffled.
If you stuck it out, hope you enjoyed the rant.