MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Hotness snobbery

Hotness snobbery

This is a bit of a rant or a letting off of steam, so...if you don't care, that's fine, but I just wanted to get this off my chest and yell into the void as it were.

I've been seeing more and more message board threads dedicated to saying how plain-looking or unattractive certain celebrities are. What's more, you can't mention an example of a hot person without having the person you're talking to go, "Well, I actually personally find [whoever] unattractive - even repulsive and hideous!"

What's going on?

I know that everybody's got their own measure of attractiveness, but people can't admit that 99% of the planet finds the Hollywood people hotter than everybody else? Character actors excepted, they pick people based on attractiveness - that's a cliche, a trope as old as the Hollywood hills!

The impression I always get - and I don't want to directly accuse any one person of doing this - but it's almost like people make statements and then don't want to "lose" an argument, so instead of conceding a point or an example, they just stonewall. "Nope. Nope. They're not hot!" Not even the whole argument, just, "Yeah, I see your point, that person is attractive; nevertheless, I think my argument still stands"

It's like they have their fingers in their ears going, "la-la-la!" or something.

And if people think that - not just personal taste - but that these people in the films are downright ugly or unattractive, I'm sorry, their standards are too high and (true or not) they're coming off as the stereotype of the prototypical mother's basement-living, D&D-playing, lisping neckbeard who has never seen a real woman and just runs their mouth about women without knowing the first thing about real human interaction.

Just getting a little baffled.

If you stuck it out, hope you enjoyed the rant.


Okay, MovieBuff... this is too much.


Sounds familiar, right? ;)




OP is complaining about the internet people, not those from his real life though. Obvious tell.


Once upon a time, Angelina Jolie, for me, was about as hot as it gets. Then it turned out that she was an actual person, with something of a negative side, plus she gave in to fear and OMG cut off those perfect tits!
Now... I dunno. Maybe Scar Jo. She's pretty hot.
Here's the problem with celebrity whorship. It's like that stupid dog chasing the car - if the world turns on it's ear and you catch it, what are you gonna do with it?? At least 90% percent of these people live in a world I, at least, would struggle to understand or even consider in touch with reality.
I'm sure some of them are real people, just don't think I'd be the one to find the needle in the haystack. The most important thing to remember is that they're people who get paid to pretend to be other people in front of yet a third group of people. And, for most, that's where their expertise lies. Literally nothing else!


To clarify: I'm not worshiping celebrities. I know they're normal people with flaws. I know some of them are smart, some are stupid, and some aren't worth talking to while others could tell amazing stories. I don't want to date these people. I have no list of names I want to go out with or stalk or anything.

But just on an attractiveness factor, a Hollywood 5 is a "real world" 8. Movie companies pick very attractive people, so they tend to be more attractive on average.


I think today acting is less and less about the good looks. Sure there are many really beautiful women and Men who are handsome beyond belief but I think with all this less based movie star industry we have more talent and less good looks.

I do miss the movie star era a bit but mmm I think it has it’s good qualities like really talented people getting into this no more Megan Fox or actresses who were into this just for the glitz.

I really see now an industry much more focused on talent and maybe a little less risky but an industry looking for good stories.

In the 90s Ramy Malek would have been a Star he is good looking but he is not Chris Hemsworth. But it’s because of this less based movie star industry we have Ramy Malek being a big star and Benedict Cumberbatch being Dr Strange.

I do feel like Hollywood is becoming less shallow when it comes to looks.


I suppose if everyone had the option of very talented plastic surgeons we'd probably look a little better than average too.


Have you looked at any of them when they haven't had hair and make up done? If we all had personal stylists, and trainers, we'd look pretty good too.


Ah, yes. That is true. There are reasons why Hollywood stars can age slower or look better continuously, but I still say a lot of them were just blessed with good-looking DNA.


I think that that is true to a point. I mean I wouldn't say that they were the ugliest kids at school, but I am saying that you probably know quite a few people who are just as good looking.


Steve Buscemi has left the chat.


He is amazing though.


"I'm sorry, their standards are too high and (true or not) they're coming off as the stereotype of the prototypical mother's basement-living, D&D-playing, lisping neckbeard who has never seen a real woman and just runs their mouth about women without knowing the first thing about real human interaction."

Well, that's the reason it's a bad idea to sit home at your computer and made snide comments about people's looks.

It makes people assume you're the sort of basement-dwelling neckbeard virgin who has no idea why he can't attract women in real life.


Can you, or someone, explain to me what the deal is with neckbeards? Why have they become a symbol of basement-dwelling incels?


I was going to ask if they are some sort of pirate


I just want to say it fills my heart with delight every time I see a Moonglum post. A couple of times I've clicked on your name to read some of your posts if I want a good giggle.


Well thank you! I just type dumb stuff all the time, and so by the laws of probability, I'm bound to post something slightly amusing once in a while.


I love your sense of humour 🥂


I don't know the origin of the word, but it seems to mean "poorly groomed adult male".

I guess it came into being when stubbly overly trimmed short beards were in fashion, but it didn't go away when full beards became a thing.


Ah-ha! I've seen people sporting neckbeards, where their face is shaved, but not the neck. I thought that's what it was referring to, but didn't understand the association with basement-dwellers.


Also the female neckbeard equivalent is known to as a "legbeard", and another failproof litmus test for identifying neckbeards in the wild is that they would ever seriously use the term "legbeard".


I'm trying not to assume that about anybody, but sometimes it's difficult not to arrive at that conclusion. Either that or some kind of trolling? It could be hyperbolic statements, I suppose.


NOTHING is more neckbeard IN THE WHOLE WORLD than debating/commenting on the attractiveness of female celebs on an internet forum.


Nope! Saying "women don't belong in tech jobs/gaming!" is neckbeardier!

Especially if it's followed by a rant that he can't get women to talk about anything that interests him.




I thought this was going to be a rant about how on virtually every female's board there's someone going on (or off) about how hot they are or aren't. Sometimes it's on the male boards too. Not that someone's physical attractiveness isn't something to appreciate but that's what the majority of comments are on.

Anyway, to your point. Yesterday I saw an actress's board trending and clicked and saw a thread devoted to how plain or even unattractive she was. Erm, whut? In anyone's universe she's very attractive. I shook my head and hit the back button.


That's kind of what it is. You can't flip onto an actress' page without somebody going, "I don't see what the big deal is". And, I get some of that. Like, a lot of people flip for Mila Kunis. She's not my type. BUT, I can still see that she's a really good-looking person and if she was my type I'd flip, too.

Maybe that's the key here? Some people just can't see a different person's point of view so they assume "not my type" is "ugly". But that still doesn't explain an additional aspect: the youth thing. There are several posts dedicated to saying not just that a woman is unattractive, but "past her prime". We're talking about 30-something starlets - they're hardly hags - but people seem to just be saying, "Well, she's not twenty-five anymore, so why would I waste my time masturbating in the basement to that thing!?"


"but people seem to just be saying, "Well, she's not twenty-five anymore, so why would I waste my time masturbating in the basement to that thing!?""

😄 Well there you have it, that's the answer. Consider the source.

I don't mind the "I don't see what the big deal is" posts so much, although it'd be refreshing to see more threads about an actress's performances or upcoming projects. It's the "She's ugly!" or whatever ridiculous other insult hurled that isn't worth reading.

Not being someone's type is different. There are actors who many find very hot that don't do anything for me. But I don't bother going on their boards to say so, unless maybe it's someone whose popularity actually baffles me.

I saw that exchange on Scarlett Johansen's board. I wanted to post asking him to post a photo of his face and his ass, and we'd all judge him. But, the back button was a better choice.


I agree, I think the back button was just the one you were looking for. I shouldn't get into these conversations myself, maybe, but I've been kinda bemused by this trend lately.

"'d be refreshing to see more threads about an actress's performances or upcoming projects."


I'm not usually this guy, but when we get down to brass tacks, this is something that is unfairly leveled at actresses. Men don't get this anywhere near as often, and it bugs me because I'm a big proponent of "talent first!" which means I don't really think that "she got fat!" is as important as "she's CRUSHING it!"


Daisy Ridley is a case in point. Over on the Star Wars Rise of Skywalker board there are a bunch of beauty deniers who call her ugly. One poster consistently calls her horsegirl. It's ridiculous. Daisy Ridley is at least an attractive girl by anyone's standards.


That's the one I saw, and then hit the back button.


I've called them out on it a couple of times, when I had nothing better to do than pick fights with idiots.

That's what being home sick is all about!


I haven't noticed that, but I can imagine.

There seems to be a guilty-by-association circuit in a lot of people's minds where if they don't like one aspect of a thing they start trying to tear down every facet. Lots of people hate the new Star Wars trilogy (and there's a LOT to talk about - good and bad - there, but...) and so they start ripping everybody in the trilogy apart. They go after Ridley for her looks (?) or say that Kelly Marie Tran can't act (she seems fine to me) just because they don't like the (at least perceived) politics of the movie or because they didn't like the story.


Beauty deniers. 🤣




If a poster fails to find someone attractive that I do, then aesthetically it’s their loss.


The first deniers I had ever heard of were the idiot Holocaust deniers. Now there are many denier categories. Lol




There is no such thing called Holocaust deniers. Yes, I'm a Holocaust deniers denier.


I can neither confirm nor deny that.


I'm a flat Hitlerer. Hitler was flat and don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise!


Ahhh a flat Hitlerer. Although it seems flat, science tells us it’s round. Trust science.


You just have to take stuff like that with a pinch of salt.


Not just Daisy unfortunately Quasimodo, I've seen the filthiest things written about the appearance of everyone from Charlize Theron to Henry Cavill. Yes, those two people are so bloody unattractive, apparently.

If only we had a live streaming window for each member who writes nasty shit about how a particular actor looks. Something tells me it would be a scary, telling feature.


Let's all just agree that I'm the most attractive person here.

Glad we got that settled.


Alicia? Is that you?


It's all relative. Just as a martial artist able to beat up 99% of regular men who gets called a bad fighter by the fans of the sport - it's not about relation to a regular Joe but relation to the cream of the sport.


Q: How many guitarists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: Thirty-one. One to screw in the lightbulb and thirty to say, "I could've done that better."

Is it jealousy, then? "I wish I looked that good!"

Or maybe it's some kind of sour grapes? "I can't have _______, so she's hideous!"
