Porn sounds like prostitution with extra steps
Agree or disagree?
shareProstitution is a very wide term, it goes from the girl holding the corner to Lindsey Lohan. Does it include porn? Does it include a 20 years old chick marrying a wealthy 70 years old guy? Does it include Femen chicks trying to get media attention?
Prostitution is a blurry concept with blurry boundaries. I'd say porn lies in the near side of it, while Femen chicks and erotic movies would in the far side, and naked models in the very (very) far side.
well really it depends if your love is true and righteous. a sacred act. so guess we're all out
shareThe angle or the orgasm or both comparatively a climb ... with faculty X on the XXX all the way over there who knows , is it , isn't it , are we aren't they we they who whom us him her differentiations rateions experimentations relatiabilities understand.. I disagree yet agree, the reference differs no one two is the same yet no one two is different, duality in divine oneness 2 and 1 all in one who knows
shareIn regards to the USA what fascinates me is that you can do porn at 18 or join the armed forces and kill people yet you can't buy a drink till you're 21?
shareIn regards to the USA what fascinates me is that you can do porn at 18 or join the armed forces and kill people yet you can't buy a drink till you're 21?
In Australia we can drink at 18. I am not sure on the stats of drink driving at 18 but when you first get your licence for the first 3 years you cannot drink anything at all and get behind the wheel. What we consider legally drunk is also less than what they go by in America. For us it's .05 where as for America I believe it is .08
shareThe statement is rather vague, but if you mean all types of porn I disagree strongly for a variety of reasons, 1stly a prostitute will sleep with anyone, whereas people who do porn won't. 2ndly that view seems to be under this disillusion that all porn stars sell their body by performing sexual acts on someone else, Whereas some get by fine without ever having sex on film by having a successful career in glamour photography or by just providing solo shows on webcam.
shareLike I said, with extra steps.
shareAlthough not always extra steps since I would consider an extra step to be:
1. Having to meet up with someone in person, since some call girls travel quite far to meet up with their Johns,
2. having to buy protection like condoms at a store
3. having to get checked for std's
4. having to wait around on street corners
None of which would apply to someone who does a webcam show online.
What gives you the idea that prostitutes will sleep with anyone? I'm pretty sure they have the right to refuse service.
shareTrue. Unless they are being pimped out. That's a very different ballgame.
shareYeah but who is more likely to refuse to sleep with a random person, A prostitute or a porn star? Granted I haven't met as many porn stars as I have prostitutes, but every one I have met will be willing to have sex with any guy as long as they are hygienic and nice to them.
shareWell there ya go. They won't have sex with just anyone. They have qualifiers.
shareDepends on the prostitute and their situation.
Are you speaking of street walkers? Someone who works out of a brothel? Or perhaps a licensed Escort? I still think that all of them make choices as to who they will have sex with.
Tee hee, the word "tit" is in prostitution. Porn is just legalized prostitution.
sharePorn is not prostitution, but it is definitely a form of self-degradation.
shareYeah I saw a clip and the guy had the girls head in the toilet. Not cool and definitely not my cup of tea.
There are a few scenes out there where you can really tell they are both enjoying it. That is my cup of tea.
None of them ever enjoy it. Ever. It's just a job.
There's a website that maybe you've heard of but I'll put it out there regardless, for anyone else who doesn't know about it: eFukt. Do a search for outtakes. Even though Efukt posts these outtake clips to be "funny", they're anything but. They offer insight into what these porn shoots are like. You will see women who, when the cameras are on, will look completely "into" it (seductive looks, moaning, smiling), etc., and then as soon as the director goes "cut", will start vomiting/gagging with disgust or crying or screaming with rage (especially if they were slapped or choked).
As for the guys, you will see them looking bored or tired after the shoot is over, because contrary to what everyone thinks, the actors don't just go into bed and start banging each other for 20 minutes. These shoots are just like in the movies and TV shows: they require multiple takes, and there'll be a person barking orders at them the entire time (as in, "Go over there. Now kiss her leg. Now touch her thigh. Look more into it." But then looking at the scene without the backstage stuff, you would think that it was all so spontaneous and real.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is that it's all acting, even the scenes that to you seem really convincing (where they look like they were into it).
Hey don't ruin my fantasy! And yes, I am familiar with Efukt. There are some disturbing videos there.
shareSorry, LOL...
shareWhy were you checking out efukt? LOL
shareBack in the ancient days of the internet, I used to visit all the edgier sites (Consumption Junction, Kaktuz, Live Leak, etc.) and somehow stumbled across Efukt. Every once in awhile, I get nostalgic and visit Live Leak and Efukt when I get bored with YouTube. The only reason why I'm there is to watch the "Caught" compilations.