MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Gender equality.

Gender equality.

In the company I work for I am in a crisis management/response type role. We get calls from the various departments and branches and one you get often is abusive customers. For some reason, despite the whole thing about gender equality and how gender doesn't matter and how women are big tough mamma's etc we get the branch staff who tend to be mostly women ringing up "We have an abusive customer and there aren't any male staff here!!"

Ahh what? Male staff, to do what? Sorry, society can't rag on men, calling us everything from stupid, toxic, privileged to being rapists and molesters and then expect us to front the abusive customer who is drug fueled and/or mentally unstable.

#I'm not your hero.

And by the way, I don't appreciate being called "love, lovely, darling" etc either, if I did that it would be world war 3.

Even funnier when we post a security guard on these sites and they complain because the guard is female lol. Yep, gender equality ladies. Get used to it.


Cry baby.




I'll remember that the next time a woman carries on about equality. Or requires something heavy to be moved or something dangerous to be dealt with.


I'm sure you will. Now what was that about not punishing people who had nothing to do with a problem?


They can't have it both ways. I am not psychic and have no way of knowing which women are ok-ish and which ones will scowl and be bitches if offered help.

I take the easy way and just throw them all in the same heap.

At least I am only one person and not part of a lobby group that goes all out to fuck others over because I don't like something.


Who cares.


Perhaps it's more a statement of society that a lot of times customers won't get abusive if there is a man around. Is it sexist? You bet.

How often does society rag on you, just out of curiosity?

Do you ever mention that it makes you uncomfortable when someone calls you love? Does that person call everyone by darling etc? Or just you?


Whether they call everyone darling etc or not is beside the point and as I am only talking to them on the phone I am unaware if they call everyone that. It is in any case unprofessional.


I'm sorry, I thought that they were a coworker who you knew.

Do you tell them it makes you feel uncomfortable?


I will be soon yes. The people we deal with in the branches are morons who fuck up a lot so we get a fair bit of leeway in dealing with their incompetence and stupidity.


I do hope that you do.

I think that we could avoid so many instances of harassment if people just said something.


I agree. To be honest, in a more gender equal society I probably wouldn't even care. But I do find the double standard unacceptable. If I called them by the same terms of endearment, regardless of my intent it would be the end of the world.

They are also unprofessional in other aspects so this just adds to it.

Forgot to comment on your other statement. It is natural to think that someone is less likely to get angry at a man than a woman. But I have found that the male staff tend to get physically assaulted a lot more which in part is due to them trying to macho their way through it as well as the customer thinking it is more acceptable to assault a man than a woman.




I watched that movie twice the other day and absolutely loved it

What a performance!


That hasn’t been my experience in the workplace. I’ve worked under many female supervisors, in fact probably more often than not in my early days when I was doing call centre work, and I have to be honest mate I’ve never seen one call for a man in an escalation. Maybe it’s the different industry. I’ve actually learned a lot about handling irate customers from women bosses.


I never encountered it until I worked for this particular company either. The staff are very poorly trained to be honest whether they are male or female and there is a lot of "hand balling" of problems. Which is what I put the female staff looking to male staff as an example of.

"We have an abusive customer, oh we have male staff. They can deal with it! Oh... he's been punched now.. oh..."


You make good points, Forsaken.

Some women want it both ways.


Thanks for that, they do want it both ways.


Yep but I'm sure not one of those women. 😊


I'm not either. I feel sorry for men today because they have to walk on eggshells not knowing how their actions will be judged by some women, (and some men for that matter.)


It's concerning for the men in our lives because women can be so vicious and vindictive.

It's scary for the men to date too. I don't trust these women nowadays.


The thing is, they're not pushing real gender equality. This is the work of a bunch of bitter, hateful feminazis who haven't gotten laid in 10-20 years (for obvious reasons), that want to basically push men out of mainstream America entirely, emasculate all of them, or just plain treat them like crap. It all sounds like revenge for the way women were treated historically, and frankly, I find it disgustingly petty. It's one thing to ask to get paid the same as what a man does for the exact same job. It's another to treat men the way these bitches have been treating them. They don't want to admit that they would be happier with a strong, masculine man in their lives, rather than the namby-pamby Soy Boys and fake female monsters they've helped to create. It's also not fair to lump all men into the same category as the power-mad, the rapists, and the jack-asses (some of which, are all 3).

If they truly wanted gender equality, they'd stop bullying the men who don't deserve it, and learn how to really work with them.


Agreed, it has nothing to do with equality it is dominance.

People keep wondering why MGTOW and Red Pill are growing in popularity, no matter what men do we are shamed or blamed for it.

What gets me about all of these "equal rights" groups is that regardless of how your ancestors may have been treated they are punishing people who had nothing to do with it. Not to mention that every group at some point or another has been treated badly it is the way it is.


Yeah, it never was about "equality." Each freak group that has been pushing for that was actually pushing for special privileges at the expense of everyone else. Their mantra is "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."


100% true. It's all bullshit and hypocritical.


Gender equality is impossible. Men are genetically programmed to defend women. This is not gonna change. Biology is unavoidable. Sometimes it's even paradoxically funny, like watching white knights running to defend the right of a damsel in distress to defend herself.

What you could get is some balance and fairness, and a minimum level of freedom, so everybody can follow their calling (if they're willing to pay enough effort).


I agree it is impossible. They do make laws and standards around it however as well as the constant propaganda. I like turning it all back on them sometimes for laughs.
