Very ironic that the new "Cats" trailer gets released on national toilet day.
It looks just as bad as the first trailer.
And I can't believe national toilet day is a thing.
It looks just as bad as the first trailer.
And I can't believe national toilet day is a thing.
Oh wow that looks horrible some of it looks really fake/bad CGI too.
Then I saw Rebel Wilson pop up and that was it, you could make a film that basically ticks off everything I would love to see in a film but if you put her in it I would not watch.
Is Hollyweird trying to outdo itself for most number of flops in a year?
The furries are going to love it.
When are they going to adapt that painting of dogs playing poker into a movie?
Please don't mention "Cats" in the same sentence as that brilliant piece of artwork.
sharePlease don't give them anymore ideas.
Scratch that. I want Hollywood to be on it's knees gasping for life. Lets flood them with ideas like this instead.
They are testing the water for the upcoming My Little Pony live-action movie.
shareYou underestimate it. Today is World Toilet Day.
This year's theme: 2019 leaving no one behind. Shouldn't it be leaving no behind behind?
You're right, I did underestimate it. I just assumed because there were other days where we celebrate stupidity, that this was another one.
shareIt was supposed to be "leaving one's behind, one at a time."
shareMake more sense if it was National Litter Box day. When is it that anyway?
shareI predict it to be the third box office bomb of 2019, after Terminator Dark Fate and Charlie's Angels. If one is to make a spin-off or remake of an existed IP, it should at least go in a completely new direction: Either stylistically, or in terms of narrative.
shareNo way! People are going to see it in droves just to hate watch it! I guarantee it!