she was a narcissist, her whole self esteem was built on her looks. She wasnt a good actress, could not sing worth a damn, wasnt too smart or well educated, she was aging and losing roles, she had three failed marriages. Elizabeth Taylor and Audrey Hepburn were good actresses so they could handle aging.
Conspiracy - The popular one. She had slept with too many powerful men and needed to be taken out. Who knows, right?
Suicide - As you mention she may have feared losing her looks. I think it may have been more likely she was someone who couldn't handle her fame and was damaged goods well before she became famous anyway. Also have to factor in accidental suicide in the form of drug abuse/over dose etc.
From wikipedia
Monroe died between 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on August 4,[1] and the toxicology report revealed that the cause of death was acute barbiturate poisoning. She had 8 mg% (milligrams per 100 milliliters of solution) chloral hydrate and 4.5 mg% of pentobarbital (Nembutal) in her blood, and 13 mg% of pentobarbital in her liver.[244] Empty medicine bottles were found next to her bed.[245] The possibility that Monroe had accidentally overdosed was ruled out because the dosages found in her body were several times over the lethal limit.[246]
The Los Angeles County Coroners Office was assisted in their investigation by the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Team, who had expert knowledge on suicide.[245] Monroe's doctors stated that she had been "prone to severe fears and frequent depressions" with "abrupt and unpredictable mood changes", and had overdosed several times in the past, possibly intentionally.[246][247] Due to these facts and the lack of any indication of foul play, deputy coroner Thomas Noguchi classified her death as a probable suicide.[248]
Billy Graham was blackmailing her because he had evidence she was the second shooter on the grassy knoll. She couldn't face losing all her money so she done herself in.
Yes, there are a lot of questions about MM's death. I believe she was killed because she slept with JFK and his administration didn't want it publicized.
Why though? I get that the evolution of plastic surgery and nutrition and workout routines mean that -on average - modern supermodels are in better shape and more beautiful than ever, but that's the point. Saying that MM was beautiful is a blanket statement. If you preface that by saying she was beautiful for that era, I'd agree. But by modern standards, she surely isn't above average.
Ofcourse, lots of people might think otherwise. And there are those who think that supermodels today are too skinny and that it's unattractive, which may be a valid point as well.
The OP has suggested she killed herself because her beauty was fading. I’m just suggesting she would have compared herself to other women of her time.
FYI two of the psych meds she was taking could cause fatal cardiac arrhythmias if taken together, and this was not known at the time of her death.
She could easily of died of a simple medication interaction, but somehow, nobody ever wants to talk about it. It's just not a "sexy" enough explanation for her death, people would rather believe she was murdered.
She was only 36, which is far from old, but given her type of popularity and it being the early 60's that may have become the kiss of death for someone with the reputation of being difficult already.
But it seems that MM had been courting death for years with her risky behavior...her mixing of all kinds of pills and booze. She was always fragile and high maintenance which pushed many people away.
It was just a matter of time .
I don't think anyone killed her and I'm not sure she meant to kill herself. She just drank too much and kept swallowing the wrong combination of pills.
I don't think it's out of the realm to suspect important people checked things out before the coroner came to see if anything was laying around that could tarnish certain reputations. But that's not murder.