MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your Favorite 'Cheesy' Movie...

Your Favorite 'Cheesy' Movie...

You know those movies that are so overblown and silly, with big casts and millions in special effects that you admit are very stupid...but you can't turn off...

One of my favorite stupid/great movies is The Rock (96)

That cast, those explosions, Navy SEALS invading Alcatraz and dialogue that The Bard himself couldn't write...
'I love pressure, I eat it for breakfast'

I can't turn this crap off when it comes on!

What's your favorite cheesy movie?


Con Air


A classic of the genre
I completely agree


Commando and Death Wish 3 (1985). Death Wish 3 is hilarious, I doubt Michael Winner intentionally directed it as such but it's one of the funniest comedies I've seen.


Commando might be the most quotable nonsense of all time
Love it 10/10

'Please don't wake my friend, he's dead tired'


"John, I'm not going to shoot you between the eyes. I'm going to shoot you between the balls." 😁


death wish 3 is sublime.

i wouldn't include commando in a category like this. i think it's just a good, fun, kick-ass action movie with some genuinely funny one-liners - and a truly scenery-chewingly magnificent performance from vernon wells.

death wish 3 on the other hand is so ridiculous & absurd & silly that i think you'd have to be a little heartless not to love it.


Death Wish 3 is brilliant, I've converted a few people over the years.


it's suddenly the most important thing in the world for me to watch death wish 3 again right now.


You and me both 😄


Top notch. A true undervalued masterpiece
One of the most magnificent movies ever made. The acting of Charles Buchinski (later known as Bronson) is simply outstanding. This is the crown on the career of director Winner, who himself was often quoted saying this was his masterpiece. The plot has been copied many times, but it's never been topped. Wildey J. Moore, the gun manufacturer, many times claimed his brand's growth since the mid 80s can be fully credited to DW3, and rightly so. This is not just a movie, this is art that many generations will admire and appreciate. Although this movie has never been fully appreciated in the USA, it has found a huge following in Europe and Asia, where the movie is regularly shown at film schools and it is still a popular hit in student cinemas all across Europe. All in all, a true classic."


Universal Soldier (1992)


I missed this of my several brothers in law keeps ribbing me for not having seen it
He's a jerk so I'm holding out to spite the annoying asshole😆


The Core (2003)

Very cheesy but I love it!


Stanley Tucci is a good laugh in that one.


He looked like he was having so much fun during the shoot.


Yep you can tell he's enjoying himself in that role. 👍


Rambo: First Blood Part II


'Sir, do we get to win this time?'

...then Rambo runs out there and wins the whole goddam war
Great stuff!


"Murdock.......I'm coming to get you"
"I see you are no stranger to pain"
"You're the one whose making the mistake" "yeah what mistake?" "Rambo"
"Pride is a poor substitute for intelligence"
"Mission Accomplished"
"Dragonfly, wolfden, colorful names"
"Who the hell do you think you're talking too?" "A stinking bureaucrat whose trying to cover his ass"


Hook. I just love that thing like it's my own child. People say it's bad, but I love it.


It's not bad at all
Plus, Williams was a really lovable guy on screen and many of us miss him I'm sure


Thank you! Hook deserves a little more love.




Anything with with Azaria AND Shearer is certainly worth watching


I agree this Godzilla was a lot of fun.


Tremors (1990)
Starship Troopers (1997)
They Live (1988)

There are probably 100 more, as I can really enjoy cheesy movies when I'm in the mood


3 beauties
Tremors was great fun and I loved the political/social statements the other two films aimed for when they didn't really have to
Fine movies right there, I'd watch any of them tonight👍


I love Tremors! Even Tremors 2.
