MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do you consider yourself well educated

do you consider yourself well educated

or well read and cultured?




I guess it all depends. I'm educated with degrees, I read all the time all sorts of books, and depending on what you mean by cultured, I think so. I've traveled and had the opportunity to live in places that are completely different than my home. I have been blessed with a musical talent, and I love theatre and opera. BUT...what does that really get me in today's society? I am a pretty good person to take along to trivia night though, so I guess that's something.

I also think that one can be well educated, and still be pretty ignorant.


Educated - I didn't finish High School.

Well Read - I haven't read any of the Classics ( that is ancient Greek and Roman ) but I have read a good deal of English literature and some Russian.

Cultured - I like classical music and things like Period Drama so a little bit of culture has rubbed off on me.


how about you?


i do my best


do you have a college degree?


i dropped out of college




Reasonably so. Up until the past 10 years I was a voracious reader, have read many of the classics as well as books on other topics, am a curious sort, and have always loved the arts.
