Other websites you enjoy (nothing political, please)
I've been on Pogo.com for almost 20 years.
I play golf every day on wgt.com. I'm up to level 100.
I'm part of a very small community of serious NHL fans. I'm one of the least smart of the bunch, that is to say, they do a lot of research and are old time fans, at least in relation to their ages. There usually isn't much friction, and the typical taboos are in force. If anyone who knows how to talk hockey civilly and with some smarts, we would love to have you. It's a weebly / Disqus platform, so it's a little quirky, but we could use some new voices.
I used to post on the https://www.straightdope.com/ message boards. But the activity was so high that one's post would just get drowned out. By the time you think of something to say there are already 50 or more replies. Haven't posted there in years.
sharetoo many assholes on there.... including the mods
shareBack when I posted there people were getting banned on a regular basis. Kind of funny when on their registration agreement it says "We have one guiding principle: Don't be a jerk." (Which is actually a very good principle to follow when participating on a message board.)
They never follow their rules! I once started a thread, asking a question.. A mod said something to the effect of "If you aren't going to post your thoughts, I'm closing it". Luckily, someone came to my defense and said "He doesn't have to answer his own question" and I replied with "I don't know (let's just say 'great movies from poland'') so how could I have an answer? I was genuinely curious. I also got shit for not replying to something, and I replied with "I'm not on a computer all day. I sleep and do other things".. The mod just kept making bullshit excuses, despite "the rules". And before it was permanently closed, so many jackasses had to make snarky comments.. One even replied with "Its been nice having you" - which is another passive-aggressive way to say "You're leaving".. I rarely post, and I rarely read there anymore.
shareWow. Brings back some memories of why I left, besides the crazy volume of posts. There were some real snobs there, "snarky" is right.
shareThere are also some crazy kooks on that forum. I posted for about two seconds one time 10 years ago, and abruptly left after this shocking incident happened.
Here's what happened. There was a thread asking people, "What was the biggest fight you had with a friend, and how did you make up?" Everyone posted, and it was the usual story (misunderstanding, bad day at work, etc.). Then a poster turned up and from the story she gave, it didn't sound like a mutual fight between friends; it sounded like mental abuse. Her story was something like, "I told my best friend I have a mental disorder; she screamed and ranted at me for a half hour, I started crying hysterically, and she walked out. But it's okay. A few days later, I apologized for being so selfish, and we became friends again." That was literally the whole story. There was no, "I called her a bitch a couple of times," or, "I slapped her," etc. That was it.
So, I posted how sorry I was that this happened and told her that it was wrong for her friend to do this and that she should dump her. Suddenly, Abused Girl turned on me, ranting that she hated people telling her that (apparently, she's been told this before???) and that it's "normal for friends to fight."
But it gets better. Then her friend comes on, starts attacking me, telling me "fuck your advice." Then the other posters at the Straight Dope start arguing with me that I was clearly mistaken about their friendship, since the "friend" had shown up to explain that nothing wrong happened. It just never occurred to them that this behavior on the part of the friend was stalkerish and pretty much confirmed some kind of abusive situation (have you ever heard of real life friends monitoring each other's posts on a forum???). That's when I got the hell out of there and never looked back.
Yes, way too many cliques and allies who are sooo quick to jump on anyone new..
shareI like Englishrussia.com Lots of really cool articles, history and pictorials on Russia. What a fascinating country.
Darkroastedblend.com also has a lot of cool stuff
As a bass player, I post quite a bit on TalkBass.com
I also like some of the BMW forums. I have learned a lot of cool DIY tricks.
As a bass player, I post quite a bit on TalkBass.com
LOL. I almost clicked on that until I reread what you said. I do a lot of bass fishing.
Hahaha!! I did actually think about that when I posted. There are quite a few fish related memes on TalkBass. Lol.
The Chive
I'll check it out!
Yeah, it has some funny articles but it's a bit of a crummy layout on mobile devices...it bounces you out of articles and crashes sometimes
I still check https://www.themoviedb.org/ - not much going on there.
Phil Hendrie sounds interesting. Surprised I've never heard of him. I'm going to check it out. BTW something wrong with your link, at least for me
shareI have been listening to Phil for over 20 years. He does all the voices on the show.