MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Whats All This Domestic Stuff?

Whats All This Domestic Stuff?

I thought political chat was awful... but shit, its mid-July, why is anyone surprised about heat?

I was browsing, and I see less and less movie talk. Many posts are so empty, or silly "Tips on cutting grass" or knitting, or gossip about neighbors none of us know. Best detergents to wipe up blood and baby puke?

I like pizza, but over 100 replies?


Sometimes silly posts can be fun. Chatting about pizza or the heat or whatever can be a pleasant way to pas time and get to know each other a little better. I do enjoy talking about movies though so if there is a movie related topic you want to discuss, I would suggest starting a thread and I will likely reply to it.


Yes, you are a true movie fan, and I always appreciate your perspective.


I can post some movie related threads. What types of film discussion do you like best? Possible ideas include: ranking films from certain directors/actors, listing/ranking/rating films about certain topics, film genres or decades, discussion of individual directors or actors, etc.


that all sounds great.


Would be nice to get some sci-fi related discussions going again.. those seem to be lacking (just look at the sci-fi genre board).


That's a good idea. We should both post some.


Problem isn't so much starting the posts that's the easy part, it's just that the genre area isn't exposed very well on the site. Aside from individual movie threads most of everything is being discussed in the general or political threads (take your thread on adventure movies you posted a few hours for example). There's just not much incentive to explore other areas on the site for most of the users.


True, the genre boards don't get a lot of attention. If you want a thread to be seen it is best to post in the general discussion board.


Aside from Politics, where as best I've seen no one ever mentions movies, and GD, the entire site is devoted to discussing movies.

GD is more social, so it's a mix of movie talk and social threads. Even so, Db and I meandered off into discussing documentaries and movies about Van Gogh in the pizza thread.


I just counted. 8 of the 16 topics currently on the first page are movie-related.

Sometimes I want to talk about movies, sometimes I don't. It's nice to have the option. Usually I go off to individual boards for that, or look at Trending to see if there's something there I want to discuss or just read about.


out of curiosity, what are your favorite movies?


Top tier:

The Fall (2006)
To Kill A Mockingbird
Sunset Blvd
The Big Country
The Ninth Configuration

Then there are too many to list that fall into the second tier (liked a lot).


I recently saw the Ninth Configuration for the first time and it may have been at your recommendation. During the first 30 minutes I had to resist the feeling to turn it off but I’m glad I didn’t. Great film. 👍


Yes, that was exactly my experience! It'd been recommended to me by someone whose taste I respected, so for the first 20 minutes I thought either he was pranking me, or I was going to have to reevaluate my opinion of his taste 😀

I'm glad you hung in there.


I love "Sunset Blvd" (you might like "All About Eve", which I like just as much, made the same year).

"To Kill A Mockingbird" is another great movie, with Gregory Peck being noble... "The Ninth Configuration" is a movie I want to see again. I think I saw this because Stacy Keach was in it, so my mood might not have been up to something like that, but I still liked it. If you like him, check out "Fat City", which was directed by John Huston; one of my favorites, and on YouTube last time I checked.. A young Jeff Bridges, too.


I love All About Eve too, and thought about including it in my top 5. I like it only slightly less than the others. More that are close are:

Harold & Maude
Rear Window
The African Queen
Monty Python & the Holy Grail
Gosford Park
The Player
The Enchanted April
Midnight Cowboy
Sophie's Choice
The Homesman
Shawshank Redemption
12 Angry Men
Judgement at Neurenberg
and SO many others

I'll check out Fat City. Have you had a chance to see The Day of the Locust yet?


I needed space, and had to delete a lot of movies (Sophie's Choice was one, too), but I will see it one day.

"Harold and Maude" is one of my favorites. I love Bogart. "Midnight Cowboy" was one of my early favorites when I got into movies 20 years ago, and saw it last year just to see if it would still hold up with me, and it does. "Her" was one of a few newer movies I liked. "12 Angry Men" is another great one, maybe one of the best directorial debuts... I noticed you have a few Altman, and I'm guessing you've seen "Nashville" and "McCabe and Mrs. Miller"

Here are my favorites in order: Harry and Tonto, La Strada, Nashville, They Shoot Horses, Don't They?,Network, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Battle of Algiers, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, A Woman Under The Influence, Buffalo '66, La Grande Illusion, Mr. Deeds Goes To Town


Too bad, I think it'd be one of those films you'll wonder why you hadn't watched it long ago. You haven't seen Sophie's Choice? It's a total heartbreaker, with a lot of outstanding performances and a great plot.

I love Harold and Maude. I've probably seen it more than any other film. It didn't make my top tier cut because the "villains" are too two-dimensional for me, otherwise it's brilliant. The Shape of Water is also excellent (have you seen it?), but suffers from the same thing. It's more understandable in a movie made in 1971 than in one made in 2017.

I do like Altman, but haven't seen Nashville or McCabe and Mrs Miller. Nashville has a great cast and I really should see it. McCabe and Mrs Miller for some reason I keep thinking is an old TV show. I see it stars Warren Beaty and Julie Christie, neither of whom I'm particularly fond of, but should probably see it anyway. The trailers for both are terrible, especially Mc&MM.

I would love to see Harry and Tonto, and will when it's available to me. They Shoot Horses is another heartbreaker, and excellent. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is also something of a heartbreaker and although I'm not a Nicholson fan, he was very good in it, as was the rest of the cast. Network is a classic. Love Mr Deeds Goes to Town. The rest I haven't seen.


Please let me know if you ever see those Altman ones. I also wasn't a fan of either actor, but Altman always made the scenes natural, with actors basically using their own voice, but getting the script, just not every single word in order - its another one of his microcosm films. I've also watched "Harold and Maude" so many times - it never gets old... I'm sure you'd love "Harry and Tonto". Unfortunately that is one of a few favorites that are not on YouTube, but "The Battle of Algiers" is. I haven't seen "The Shape of Water".


I'm guessing that because there is so little activity on the other forums (except politics) that one might feel that if they don't post here, no one will ever see their post.


I respect your knowledge of movies Bill and I think we chat often enough about Film and TV to be a legit movie site, but something very unexpected has happened here in the couple years I've been coming around...many of us have developed warm feelings for each other and sometimes we'll jaw on about any topic...Frankly, I'd be busted up if I stopped hearing from any of the Regs and I love meeting and greeting our new friends too

I'll respond to any entertainment threads I have any knowledge worth contributing to but sometimes I like to hear about this one's kooky neighbor or that one's favorite pizza

I like these people and I like you Bill


Thank you, I like you as well.... I think a lot of this is my displeasure with EVERYTHING online.. I've seen message boards die down because of politics, or because it became something it wasn't as advertised. It seems like gossip and trivia dominate so easily.


It's a matter of balance. You can't discuss movies in every thread and you can overdo it on the movie lists. Nothing wrong with mixing in some music, food, sports or general interest topics.


This is more of a preemptive warning. I'm on many message boards, and I've seen them either die out, or go totally off the rails because of the off-topic stuff (which I usually like) but not at the cost of some great members and discussion, especially when I KNOW we have a lot of huge film lovers (such as yourself) who might have some great topic ideas.


I love discussing movies and I appreciate your contributions Bill. Mixing it up with some music, sports or whatever doesn't do any harm. I am always thinking of new movie topics to post here. 👍
