How many movies have you given a rating to on IMDb?
Excluding TV shows/episodes, what's your number?
I got 3,127.
Excluding TV shows/episodes, what's your number?
I got 3,127.
Less than 50 is my guess.
shareNone. I never joined IMDb - was just a lurker.
shareAbout 1,000+. But I stopped when they removed the forum. Deleted my account and uninstalled the mobile app.
shareThey really pissed off a lot of people when they got rid of the boards. I never joined/posted, but I liked reading comments and reviews.
shareI've cut down my time on it about 50% because of it.
shareI think I only rated two or three or so before they killed the boards. Now I only go there to remind myself of some factual data, and maybe I'll stop to read a featured review from a fan, but not very often. Just to remember if so-and-so was in what movie.
Me too. I've had to go to it a few times to remind myself of certain titles.