Where do you think the negative stigma of acting/celebs/the entertainment industry comes from?
It seems a lot of people (even the industry itself and some actors/etc. poke fun at it) have a negative/dark view of acting and the entertainment industry, like it's an especially horrid and bad place. I've heard of several stereotypes such as:
1. Actors/performers/entertainers are all self-absorbed, narcissistic people with possible mental issues/delusions/etc.
I don't know why this is often farfetched, but bear with it more. I've never personally thought of actors/entertainers/etc. to these extremes, but I guess it's a stereotype because it might be true for some at least or perceived this way. Also, let's not ignore the fact that there are people with these same exact traits that do exist outside of this industry as well.
2. Actors are all frantically-driven by work/consumed by acting/press/etc.
I don't know why this one is touted. Many people work 9-5 jobs for many, many years. For the average person, work is a huge portion of their life. Why would this be seen as any different if it's in the performing arts world/movie industry? It's still work -- just a different kind. Can't fathom why it's seen in a more negative light when an actor is career-driven heavily vs. anyone else working their typical 9-5s trying to move up or whatnot.
3. Actors/performers/musicians are out of touch with reality.
Don't get this one either. Not all actors are super-rich (or rich at all) and out of touch with things most people normally familiarize themselves with. Some people seem to get the impression that actors in general are all snotty, bourgeois-esque people who identify as a different class than people out of their line of work (not just financial-wise, but cultural or etc.). With the advent of TV/social media and the ability to get a deeper insight in to celebrities/mega stars lives it would seem that this is confirmed mostly as false (that being that most celebrities/actors/etc. are mostly similar to those who are not, all things considered).
I never understood the crapping on celebrities and actors in particular -- seems partially out of jealousy in some cases. Indifference I get, but negativity makes me think it's more personal/stigmatized.