MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your top three Christian Bale performanc...

Your top three Christian Bale performances

The Fighter
The Machinist
The Big Short


The Machinist (he deserves an award for what he did to himself for that role)
The Prestige
Empire Of The Son


Rescue Dawn
Out of the Furnace
American Psycho


He left quite an impression with his performance in American Psycho. It was funny and disturbing at the same time. Rather a ridiculous role, really.

Overall, I'm not really a fan of his movies. There's something unlikeable about him (anyone remember "Bale Out ?) and his accent is annoying.


He does seem like a jerk but I admire his performances and his devotion to the gig


It isn't simply that he treats people like crap. He also has an arrogant, thespian air about him that I don't find appealing.


I try to separate the star from their absurd behavior but it does affect your viewing, I get that

I can't watch anything by Polanski anymore for the same reason, which is a lousy state of affairs because Polanski was very good
What that pile of garbage did was beyond all human reason so NO Polanski for me

Bale, Crowe, Brando...they all acted like entitled assholes and I have no interest in meeting jerks like them but I still separate the real turd from the movie character as long as they are acting like bullies with actual adults


Except that I personally feel he radiates that arrogance on screen. It worked for American Psycho, though!


Arrogant 'On Screen' is a very broad statement Stratego

He seemed desperate, lost and not at all arrogant in The Mechanic, Into the Furnace, The Fighter...

Arrogant men are common (and usually mistaken about their greatness)
Bale might be an arrogant ass but he's whatever the director requires on screen


We have to disagree on that then. Some actors just have a pretentious quality to me.


Fair enough


I think Bale is super serious which leads to him being difficult and to work with. But I've also seen stories of him visiting hospitals and doing other good deeds and it reminds me that people are rarely one dimensional enough to judge fully by what limited info we have available.


I can only think of one:

Empire of the Sun


The Fighter
American Psycho
The Machinist

Just falling under

Empire of The Sun
The Prestige
Harsh Times


I cant stand him most of the time. Ironically the only role I really liked him in was in a film everyone seems to hate (but I love) - Exodus Gods and Kings.


The Prestige
The Dark Knight
American Psycho
