Is there anywhere in Europe that is superior to the US?
Just got done touring Europe. Culturally and historically it was beautiful and fascinating. But as far as quality of life? I did not visit any cities that didn’t seem dirty or disorganized in some way. All cities are dirty in certain areas but Europe being so much older has many places that are beyond repair and get treated/upkept poorly as a result.
I also did not get the impression that the locals were very worldly or interested in anything outside of their cultural bubble. Whereas most educated Americans want to travel and explore other cultures.
Lastly, every last city I visited (10 total in 6 different countries) had inferior technology and resources in almost every way. Of course there are exceptions but it was clear that access to many basic things that are standard in America (free public restrooms, well maintained roads and sidewalks) and the things they did have were inferior (water power in showers sinks and toilets was very weak.)