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Message Boards MIA

There is a popular database of movies on the internet that used to have discussion forums like this but I'm pretty sure the reason they don't is because of the election in 2016. Starting at Thanksgiving all through Christmas those message boards were ugly political fights and I'm sure the Forum moderators just got sick of it. I really hope that doesn't happen here I love this site.


Sadly, it is happening. The largely powerless moderators won’t end it, but the flight of worthwhile posters will.

The site will remain till Jimbo runs out of money. The value of the site is already in tatters.


You don't have the first clue what you're talking about.


Prepare yourself. You're going to be R_Kaned!


Oh, Tex is in big trouble now!


Oh no oh, really? That's really sad to hear that the valuation is already way down. I wonder why? There's still a lot of traffic on this site Those ads got to be making something.


I'm just so glad that you are here Quark!!!
Whenever someone posts impressive words like 'traffic' and 'valuation' I figure they can't possibly be a troll jerkoff
So nice to meet you Quark....lucky us meeting you👍


Is that it? You pathetic, cringing milksop.


That is all you are worth:(


What did I say to deserve that comment about the words traffic and valuation?


'Milksop' was funny, I'm going to use that👍

Your mother sells beets on Sunday you sniveling cur (let's continue to insult each other with nonsense terms going will be great fun!)


I have been called a great many things but never a wild dog in poor condition you scurvy gafr!


Oh pish posh!
You are the scoundrel that led a horse to water and scolded him for not knowing how to tap dance!


Cite some evidence or shush
You are becoming a terrible bore


I still see plenty of worthwhile posters here, R_K, and new members posting away on boards that are new to me, as well as members with posts in the 1000s that I've never seen here on GD.

I've seen whole conversations that have been deleted the moderators between two posters who've gotten too hot under the collar, so you can't tell me nothing's done about it when that happens.

I don't know why you say the value of MC is in tatters when the evidence is strongly the opposite.


I got kicked off of a music site for making a quip about black guys hanging around street corners singing doo-wop and NOT carrying guns. I made a racist statement ! And I prefaced it by saying I don't want this to sound racist. This moderator must have had a god complex. The funny thing is I continue to get notifications that people like my comments, even though it's been a month since I've been able to post. I've rarely been questioned here.


you are going to hurt yourself falling off that pedestal.


Little man, high horse?


I assume you mean IMDb. I was there, as were many members of MovieChat, and posted almost daily, as I do here.

I almost never encountered political discussions or fights there. They happened on the Politics board, which I never went to. Maybe on The Soapbox too, but I didn't go on that board either. I stayed on boards of films or shows I liked.

So, no, I don't think the 2016 election had a thing to do with why IMDb closed their boards. It was primarily because they couldn't figure out how to monetise their forums, and due to the lack of moderation (99% of it was automated), 4chan trolls rushed to it and proliferated, adding to the problem.

Politics has infected almost everything these days. There's no escape, more's the pity. I love this site too. There are plenty of intelligent, insightful posters here, and the majority don't talk politics, they talk movies and TV, or, here on General Discussion, general fun topics that may or may not be movie- or TV-related.

Welcome, BTW!


Quark is not only a troll but it's an incredibly boring one too, don't waste your time😽


I always give the benefit of the doubt, until I don't anymore 😊


Same here👍


was that poop ??


I thought it was
pop had the same cadence in his writing and was also a funny asshole...had to be pop


better than any alternative.


It actually bothers me a lot that everyone has politics on their mind so much now, when nobody cared just 5-10 years ago. It's like someone's hypnotizing Americans into only thinking about politics and culture wars, and we can't talk or think about anything else. And believe me, there are many, many forums online designed just for that sort of talk. I know, because I visit some of them; others, I casually observe and remain quiet.
