MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever been buglarized or robbed?

Have you ever been buglarized or robbed?

A family member had a jaw dropping amount of money stolen from them in a burglary and I feel helpless since there's nothing I can do. The guy was caught, but the money hasn't been recovered. I don't care if its wrong to say this, but I hope he's harmed in prison for the pain and suffering he has brought us. Honestly, if I could get at him and get away with it, I wouldn't hesitate. This guy is a low life, piece of shit that does this for a living and at this point in his life, I don't think he can be rehabilitated. Fuck him and fuck his shitty life.


My brother was mugged and beaten up in Chile, earlier this year by a gang of hoodlums. They took his wallet and his phone. Luckily he had left his passport at his apartment, otherwise they would have undoubtedly taken that too.


That's awful, I'm sorry someone stole so much money that it has really impacted your family badly. People who steal never seem to realize that the effects do cause suffering and can be far-reaching into the victim's life psychologically and even in sheer practical terms.

I've only had a bicycle stolen from outside a store in broad daylight - yes I had cable-locked it to a fence, but they picked the lock of the cable. In broad daylight with people walking around while they did it. Or maybe they just had a key, it was only a generic store-bought cable lock. It was annoying and costly though, because not only did I have to buy a new bike but all the things I had added to it: a metal basket I'd added to the front, the rack I'd added to the back, expensive panniers to carry shopping home in (I don't have a car), a mileage counter/computer, and the stuff I had in the panniers when it was stolen. I'd been assisting picture hanging in a local art festival, and I was carrying pliers and screwdrivers, tools I'd had for years - all stolen with the bike.

Years, before, my husband at that time also had his bike stolen from off our second-floor porch.

I've been the victim of a sneakier form of theft - family members raided all my belongings they had promised to ship to me when I years ago relocated to another country. One family member even worked for a shipping company and could get me discounts -- but they never made good, and they kept all my stuff.

I had rare vinyl records -- no doubt they've sold all that on eBay since. Hope they enjoyed the probably quite large amount of cash they could have gotten for some of my records...I really needed that cash and still do.

There were musical instruments, a Hohner keyboard, a nice amp, a nice bass guitar, a Chinese violin. My Tascam 4 track, a TV, a VCR. They kept the lot of it and stopped answering my calls. This was all years ago. I did consult a lawyer but by this time I lived in another country; too much trouble.
