Midnight Cowboy Papillon Straw Dogs
Midnight Cowboy Lenny Rain Man
I have never seen Lenny
It's a great movie. You should check it out.
Midnight Cowboy Papillon Wag the Dog
Wag the dog is awesome
Midnight Cowboy Tootsie Straight Time
never seen Straight Time
It's a good film, He is quite ruthless in the role. You don't see him play hardened criminals like that anymore.
Midnight Cowboy Marathon Man Rain Man
The Graduate All the President's Men Midnight Cowboy
Yours is probably the right list I would add: Outbreak Rainman Tootsie
Outbreak was great. I owned it on VHS.
It was a good one! Been many years since I've seen it...could do with a rewatch
Outbreak is good, Needs a re-watch soon for me as well.
Lenny Rain Man Tootsie
Rain man Sleepers Hook Love goes out to Fockers as well
I never saw straw dogs. Midnight cowboy Papillon The Graduate