Movies You Must See, But Haven't?
I'm trying to finish my "watchlist", but sometimes I'm in the mood for a movie I saw years ago that I want to compare with my current movie-experienced state of mind.
shareI'm trying to finish my "watchlist", but sometimes I'm in the mood for a movie I saw years ago that I want to compare with my current movie-experienced state of mind.
shareJaws is a major one...
shareI own The Lives Of Others and have been saving it to watch with a friend but somehow she keeps putting it off. I also just bought Mean Streets and I don't remember anything about it but haven't watched that one either.
share"The Lives of Others" is good. If you like political and German, try "The Edukators" which I think is better... I saw "Mean Streets" a couple of times, but it didn't leave a big impression.
shareWeekend at Bernie’s. I’ve never seen it.
shareI had a conversation about Pete Lorre the other day and looked up a scene from M on Youtube. I probably should watch that movie when it's on..
shareI saw it a few months ago for the first time. Lorre was great.
shareOne of my favorites from a psychological standpoint. Lorre commits a terrible crime but as the movie progresses we start to empathize with him. Both the cops and the criminal syndicate are out to get him. Like The Fugitive except he's guilty as hell.
shareCan't think of one.
Not too long ago I finally saw Dr Strangelove.
I want to see The Green Book, but wouldn't call it a "must-see."
So many lol, the list is huge, but here are some major ones:
2001: A Space Odyssey
Taxi Driver
The Grapes of Wrath
The Deer Hunter
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind