MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should there be more sex in movies?

Should there be more sex in movies?

Nudity and sex used to be thrown into movies all the time in the 80s to spice it up. European movies still do this.

American movies, despite being rated R, generally cut away when people start to have sex. What do you think, if they can put it in, should they?


Overall I'd say no unless the sex scene itself plays a pivotal part in the plot. Otherwise it may likely just come off as gratuitous and distract from the rest of the film.


I don't know what you're watching but I still seem to see lots of sex. Maybe it's less graphic..I'm not sure..
But to your question..Not unless it truly adds something to the story.

And I'm not speaking from a prudish stand point... but most sex scenes are obligatory and lack passion and end up kind of like boring filler that adds nothing to most films.
I know as a teen I was hungry for the slightest titillating scene whether it belonged or not..But after you've had lots of sex yourself and then seen it choreographed the same time after time than all you find yourself thinking of is the comfort level of the actors filming the scene.
It can take me out of the story.


Frankly, I think there's already too much sex in many, if not most of today's movies. I say no to the idea of having more sex in movies. I'm willing to see a certain amount of sex, see a certain amount of gore and violence, if there's a point to be made, and to hear some "blue" language myself, but I also believe that a line should be drawn somewhere, as well.


No, unless it adds something to the story or the filmmaker has something interesting to say within the context of the sex scene.


More sex? No. But more nudity? Yes. I'm always annoyed when a scene depicted couples after having sex and then they wake up while holding the blanket to cover the tits. I mean, the guy's already seen/groped/sucked those. Now it's morning and suddenly it's a no no? It's very unrealistic. But the more important thing is, it's not even necessary!

The director could just not bother with the after sex scene at all. Or just shoot it differently so to not show the tits. Holding up blanket to cover up tits is just lazy filmmaking. Even more ridiculous when the movie shows gore and violence and what not in a R rated flick. It's just stupid.


Yeah, or when a woman has a shirt or bra on having sex.


Why are these scenes keep getting made? Is this an inside joke of Hollywood directors or what?

Except those Ethan Hawk's "Before" series. They depicted sex and nudity quite realistically.


Why are these scenes keep getting made? Is this an inside joke of Hollywood directors or what?

Probably a combo of:

a) "no nudity" clauses in big name actors' contracts
b) trying to maintain a PG-13 rating


Yes, but only in the balconies. They're more private, and you won't disturb the rest of the audience.



Yeah, and some penetration as well to spice them up more.


Have some class. The proper phrasing is: "show the dongs going in".


I have no issues with sex in movies. Honestly, I'd much rather see more sex than more violence, and I enjoy horror movies. I've always found it weird that people don't seem to have too much of an issue with seeing someone's head blown off, but show some nipple, or intercourse and it's obscene.

That being said, for sex scenes to work they need to be a part of the story. I don't think that Hollywood is good at making sex seem organic.
