Myers-Briggs personality test
Did you ever take the Myers-Briggs personality test? Try it. I'm ISFJ.
shareDid you ever take the Myers-Briggs personality test? Try it. I'm ISFJ.
shareOne of us (I wonβt say who) gets a D- for answering too many questions incorrectly.
sharenow, as a mediator i find it incumbent upon myself to urge you two to find peace and common ground. The 3 of us could probably levitate something if we ever got together.
shareI've done the test many times before and I keep coming up with the same answer (i.e. INFP), with occasional small variations in percentages/the degrees to which I am a INFP.
Since I answer on instinct and how I feel on a given day, my results will not be 100% consistent, but clearly, at least by the standards of this test, I am a INFP. I should add that I categorised as INFP-T (i.e. turbulent), if that makes any difference.
Maybe the 't' is where my prickliness comes from.
Yeah I was t also. I figured it stood for temperamental.
shareFundamentally, like you I'm guessing, I'm an idealist who wants the best for everyone, but I guess I can often come across as a bit of a prick in the process of, ironically, trying to create peace.
And yeah, 't' is 'temperamental', although it's not all bad because even though we're more turbulent and less relaxed than 'a' (assertive) types, 't' means also means we're more ambitious and less complacent.
I'm turbulent too!
Does that mean 'unstable'? Mentally? Emotionally?
"Where Assertive individuals (their opposite number) tend to be calm, relaxed, and free from worry, Turbulent types are more likely to be self-conscious perfectionists, concerned about their abilities or about how others perceive them."
Just the fact that you go on instinct speaks volumes. I do as well.
INFP-t [The Mediator]
sharePersonality tests scares me a little.
shareNo but the sorting had told me I belonged in Slytherin...