MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It's the pictures that got small

It's the pictures that got small

I am really getting into Billy Wilder, in particular I'm watching Sunset Boulevard over and over and I can't get enough. Have you seen his films? I think I'll watch Ace in the Hole or The Apartment next.


So far I haven't seen my favourite Wilder film mentioned in this topic, but then again nobody's perfect. ;-]


double indemnity


I believe that one was already mentioned.


he had no better than double indemnity.


Sunset Blvd, Some Like It Hot, The Apartment, Double Indemnity, Ace in the Hole are the absolute essentials. If you're looking for more perfection (where you can hear Wilder's voice and acid wit clearly if you listen for it), check out Wilder's co-writes for Hawks and Lubitsch: Ball of Fire & Ninotchka.
