Your opinions on Disney's "Black Cauldron" and the "Black Hole"?
Both movies are quite disowned by Disney. But both have been some childhood favourites of mine and I still watch them once in a while. And I still like them very much. Both are quite unusally dark for Disney...especially at the times they were released. But it's the darkness I embraced in these movies.
Cauldron is based on some books, which are pretty critically acclaimed. But the movie tanked. And I don't see why. Animations were nice, the story was good. But it was probably too dark for people who expected a sugar-coated Disney movie full of sing-a-long songs. The books - and the movie - seem quite to be inspired by LOTR. But that doesn't make it worse. Nice side-characters and one of the scariest bad guys ever in a Disney movie.
Similar things go for the Black Hole. Riding on the Star Wars and Star Trek wave it did a lot wrong you could say. Never clearly comedy nor true serious Sci-Fi. But what a cast: Maximilian Schell, Anthony Perkins, Robert Forster, Ernest Borgnine and Roddy McDowall!
Ok, the FX are badly outdated, many times you can see the strings that are holding Vincent and Bob (the robots). But I like the plot, I like the tension in the movie between the characters with the mad Reinhardt (Maximilian Schell). And the ship which is slowly but constantly heading into a Black Hole. There is quite the touching scene - even just a robot - where Bob sacrifices himself.
But it's the darkest part I loved most. The zombiefied crew and then of course the mad robot "Maximilian", boy is he scary. And it's the ending which will stick with you. Reinhardt in the body of Maximilian in some place which resembles hell....or some place between this world and heaven. A very dark ending....possibly one of the most memorable endings to a Disney least for the few people who have watched it.
What are your opinions on these two underrated Disney gems?