MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What say those posters who told me Islam...

What say those posters who told me Islamophobia wasn't a real thing?

Do you idiots need anymore evidence?


Who said Islamophobia wasn´t real? The difference is not everyone who criticizes Islam, is Islamophobic. This is what happens when you try to silence public discourse, whackjobs will resort to these types of atrocities.


All religions are bs and cause more harm than good. I don't see the point of religion in the 21st century.


People seem to paint people of religion with a broad brush because of the atrocities committed by Islamists. Id be willing to bet non-Islamic religious people that commit crimes are far outnumbered by their atheist and agnostic counterparts.


the crusades, spanish conquest of s america under the guise of religion


Yes, the world politics of 500-900 years ago, has so much relevance to today. By the way, saying the colonization of South America by the conquistadors was motivated by religion is a huge reach...


You need to do research why the Crusades occurred. They were driving the Muslims back then from attempting to take over. Learn your world history.


the catholic church supported the crusades to take back jerusalem from the muslims, it was europeans invading the middle east


“The Crusades to the East were in every way defensive wars. They were a direct response to Muslim aggression — an attempt to turn back or defend against Muslim conquests of Christian lands.”

Yes, the Catholic church was behind the Crusades, but it wasn’t just to take back Jerusalem. The Muslims were on a quest to conquer ALL Christian lands.


Sure...............believe in whatever you want.


Well,OK then. I will continue to believe in the facts.


Oh, what's this, another religious person painting atheism as bad and evil like Islam is? You sum up why I'm not religious.


You misunderstood my comment, I have no problem with the beliefs of atheists or agnostics, I just don´t like the holier than thou attitude of a certain few that make out like, anyone that has faith is somehow beneath them. The comment I replied to, "religion does more harm than good", I clearly have a problem with, when the vast majority of violent criminals are secular. My opinion is that, people can have differences in beliefs and people with all types of beliefs will invariably commit crimes, but saying all religions does more harm than good is about as stupid as saying all Muslims are terrorists or all atheists will end up being serial killers...


You think there is a link between committing crimes and not believing in fairy tales?


All athiests know what the purpose of religion is. I used to believe in religion when I was a child, I grew out of it, it hasn't changed my life one bit.


I think there are loads of variables as to why people commit crimes, being secular or not is just one of them. If by link, you mean there is some kind of causality, then no I don´t believe that but it could be a contributing factor.


Here's proof it's used by Islamists to bully others. Article has examples.

Activists accuse Chelsea Clinton of causing New Zealand massacre because she condemned Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism

SJW Rose Asaf is a Raving Lunatic. Hate-site Buzzfeed let her write an article justifying her hate. Most of the article is tweets responding.

The interesting thing is there was bipartisian condemnation of Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitism. Likewise bipartisian support for Chelsea, including from a Muslim.

Last month, Chelsea Clinton was among the many Democrats who condemned Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) for her anti-Semitic ravings.

Yesterday, Chelsea was surrounded by a mob of NYU students who berated her for these comments and blamed her and her comments for the New Zealand mosque attack that left 49 dead and another 48 injured.

According to the students in the released video, Chelsea’s condemnation of Omar’s anti-Semitism was directly responsible for the New Zealand mosque attack.


I'm not saying I entirely agree with Ilhan Omar (I don't - I think her 'it's all about the Benjamins' line was glib and insensitive in view of the toxic tropes associated with Jews, and although I maintain that Jew is not directly synonymous with Israel, in the minds of many people the two terms are inextricably linked), but I don't agree when you imply that the criticism directed at Omar was universal.

Also, when I say that Islamophobia is a very real thing, that doesn't mean that every claim of Islamophobia is 100% valid, no more than Jussie Smollett's claim to have been the victim of a racist and homophobic street attack was valid. Islamophobia exists though. The attack on two Christchurch mosques is the most extreme example of that. Yet, I don't deny that like anti-Semitism, like homophobia, like racism, like sexism, Islamophobia is also a term that can be abused and misapplied to unfairly stigmatise the innocent.


Omar has a track record of being anti-Jew as well as anti-Israel, so don’t soft soap her. She has no business being in the US Congress. She got there by lying. Did you not read where I wrote she is sympathetic to Isis terrorists?

This is one reason why people on this board are put off by you. As per you: “I'm not saying I entirely agree with Ilhan Omar....” You shouldn’t be agreeing with her in any shape or form...if you are a US citizen.


I am not a US citizen, so please forgive my relative ignorance. I am more clued-up on UK politics than I am on the ins and outs of the US political discourse.

If Omar has made anti-Semitic statements, that is vile and she deserves to be condemned, but it is important to separate legitimate criticisms of the state of Israel from genuine anti-Semitism. And it's also important to recognise that there are many staunch defenders of Israel on the far-right of politics who display anti-Semitic beliefs.


I give up! 🤷‍♀️ This is my last reply to you as you can’t see the forest for the trees! One last caveat, she needs to keep her mouth shut! Israel is our best ally in the Middle East and no member of the US Congress should malign Israel. She is two ways about it!


Sorry, but I don't think you understand what anti-Semitism means.


Huh? There you go again with that superiority complex. I’m aware I’m going back on what I wrote prior, but I couldn’t let this go as it’s so absurd!

I know full well what anti-Semitism means, but I’ll bring it straight from the dictionary: “hostility to or prejudice against Jews.”


Okay, so you do know what it means. Good for you.

Then why are you conflating the definition with criticism of Israel?

And what difference does it make that Israel is your best ally in the Middle East?


New info for the OP,

“The overwhelming obsession with "Islamophobia" is not supported by statistics. That may sound crass, but since 9/11, an additional 158 Americans have been killed in 53 separate acts of deadly Islamic terror or Islam-related honor killing in the United States. Hundreds of mass murder plots have been thwarted or botched. The real story is not "Islamophobia" but American tolerance - which rightly refuses to punish the individual based on group identity.”

See the list of Islamic attacks on American soil:

As I stated I have empathy for any innocent who is murdered, but I still grieve for the 9/11 victims, the co-workers who befriended two Muslims only to be slaughtered by the pond scum, the Fort Hood soldiers massacred by a damn Muslim, the Daniel Pearls and other innocents who had their heads SAWED off! You can forgive me or not....but these victims take precedence in my heart.


I don't see your point.

We don't, and shouldn't, tolerate terrorists, of any ilk.

But our response to terrorism shouldn't include bigotry towards law-abiding individuals simply on the basis of their religion.


I believe you need to read your OP title again; then the contrasting view in my first sentence in the first paragraph. That is the point. I agree we shouldn’t show bigotry towards law-abiding individuals on the basis of their religion, but you can bet I will keep a more watchful eye on them. After all the two pieces of trash in San Bernardino were law abiding. The Major in the Fort Hood massacre was an officer abiding! There are too many to list who were law abiding then completed what they were trained to do....murder the infidels by any means necessary. You need to take off your rose colored glasses, stop singing Kumbaya.

Think about it. How do you know they are law-abiding individuals? That’s what they want you to believe. They could be staying under the radar while plotting the next terrorist assault. They aren’t finished yet and it’s spreading like....cancer. I don’t trust any of them; anymore than I trust a neo-NAZI!


There's WAY more Christianphobia amongst Muslims than vice versa; and yet the lamestream media won't cover their outrageous crimes against Christians. Why is that? Because the media is Leftwing and therefore sides with Islam as dubious political bedfellows, united in their hatred of conservative Christians.
