What Films Should Have Won Best Picture [1980 onwards]
Of the nominated films which films do you think should have won (actual winners with asterixis)
1980: Ordinary People*
1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982: E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial
1983: The Right Stuff
1984: Amadeus*
1985: The Color Purple
1986: Hannah and Her Sisters
1987: Broadcast News
1988: Rain Man*
1989: Field of Dreams
1990: Goodfellas
1991: JFK
1992: A Few Good Men
1993: Schindler's List*
1994: Pulp Fiction
1995: Apollo 13
1996: Jerry Maguire
1997: L.A. Confidential
1998: Saving Pvt. Ryan
1999: American Beauty*
2000: Traffic
2001: Moulin Rouge!
2002: The Hours
2003: Mystic River
2004: Million Dollar Baby*
2005: Munich
2006: Babel
2007: There Will Be Blood
2008: Milk
2009: Up in the Air
2010: The Social Network
2011: The Artist*
2012: Argo*
2013: Philomena
2014: Whiplash
2015: Room
2016: Moonlight*
2017: Get Out