What are you doing for the environment
I use public transport, I buy local produce and I don't have children.
shareI use public transport, I buy local produce and I don't have children.
sharei've never owned a car and never want to.
i almost never take public transport either. i generally just walk or bike everywhere i need to go, which can be a little challenging in one of the world's coldest cities.
i've been a vegetarian for 7 or 8 years - i've actually lost track of how long it's been.
i don't do either of those things for the environment specifically. they just are how i've chosen to live my life.
For years and years I've been buying local, driving a hybrid when I needed to drive, living in small spaces, living close to my job, and recycling and re-using.
And then the wind kicks up and some power lines fall down, and half my fucking state burns down every summer! The damn wildfires are pumping more carbon into the atmosphere than I could conserve in a million lifetimes. It's enough to make a person despair.
I only use public transport or walk, I don't eat meat or dairy, I've substantially cut down on my use of single-use plastic, I recycle, I vote only for parties that are serious about tackling climate change.
I don't have kids either, but that isn't by choice. :(
I regularly engage in depopulation.
Um..... dont ask.
Honestly, I could do more. I'm good with recycling but that's about it.
I'd like to buy farm raised beef from the farm down the street, but it's not practical for me money wise. I would really like to start hunting so I can supply my own meat and even raise chickens for meat/eggs. I do grow my own veggies and use recycled compost, but that's only for a small portion of the year.
I use the paper grocery bags as my trash bags. this is kinda gross but I also "If it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down"
shareMy town banned plastic grocery bags. Definitely a good idea considering many of them end up in the trees and sewer. You can either buy reusable plastic bags that can be recycled for 10 cents or get paper for free.
shareI pee in the wild.
shareI don't drive an SUV.