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What did you watch this week chums? (01/27-02/02)

Hey homeboy, hey homegirl. Let's all share are week vewings shall we?


Mom and dad (2018 Netflix): I had to watch this movie, couldn’t help it, too curious. It was weird. A simple but good idea is under-developed with sublevel characters and a 5 pages thin screenplay. It had its moments, the editing is fast and furious and the weirdness of it all made it interesting, to say the least. My rating: 5/10

Batman (1989 DVD): Whoa, this movie is dark. Way darker than I remembered. Maybe I shouldn’t have let my 4 year old watch it with me, although he enjoyed it a lot. I was 4year old myself when this movie came out, although I probably only saw it a few years after. And then I saw it again and again. Some scenes stuck with me my entire life and I remembered the gist of it but seeing it for the first time as an adult was something else. I still think Keaton is the best Batman and Jack Nicholson plays one of the greatest vilains ever. I say that because I can’t say he’s the best Joker ever. He isn’t. I also can’t say this is the best Batman movie, it ain’t. My rating: 9/10

Batman and Robin (1997 DVD): First time seeing this as an adult too.
What I liked: Batman, Robin, Alfred, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Bane, Bat Girl, the fluorescent crew and Gotham city.
What I didn’t like: You. All of you, bringing this movie down like a piece of trash. It’s a flamboyant parade, a flashy play, a ferocious fest and it’s funny as fuck.. And yes, the fact than I was 12 year old when it came out helps, I admit.
My rating: 7/10

Polar (2019 Netflix): Another movie to be severely punished by Metascore and Rotten. Good thing I don’t let myself be impressed by them experts and critics. Just like with my Batman and my Robin. In Polar’s case, I found some good parts and some less good parts, but overall, I can safely say that I liked it. 6.5-7/10

Travelers (S1 Netflix):
Ep.5: 7/10
Ep 6: 7.5/10
Ep 7: 7/10


I finally got around to seeing Black Panther. It was pretty good. Not the best comic book adaptation ever made, like it was hyped to be, but pretty good. 7/10


Batman, 1989 = I very much dislike this film. Not a Tim Burton fan ( with the one exception;Ed Wood). I can't rate it, cause it's just not my thing, so what do I know.

Batman and Robin, 1997 - over blown Hollywood schlock-fest, I tolerate it if it's on for the kids. Not terrible, again just not my thing.

Mine - about 30 hours of Youtube docs on life after death and near death experiences, some were actually very compelling. The upshot? Everything's going to be Fine!

Vice, 2018 - 5/10, like a stone skipping over the surface of a lake. What do we believe?
I still don't know. Only in the last few minutes am I given any kind of insight. I expected more, because I loved Adam Mackay's 'The Big Short'.


Cheerio Chum!

Agreed on Polar and Batman (89)
Missed your others

I saw...

Deathline (72) Donald Pleasence is very entertaining as a Police Detective investigating a clan of cannibals in the London Subway system
Christopher Lee really hams it up too!
Good gore and humorous in that dry English way
Showtime (7)

Polar (19) Tried to be cool too hard in certain scenes (freeze frame title cards for characters are very lame at this point)
Excellent action scenes and a solid cast
Mads is just great in everything I've seen and Hudgens really surprised me...I was unaware that she could act...nice surprise!
Netflix (6)

Den of Thieves (18) Retired Marines put together an armed robbery squad to take down banks
Good cast, awesome chases and the various shootouts and heists were pretty thrilling
Fun movie, a lot like Heat but with way less boring family drama parts
Gerard Butler has still got the tough guy thing down pat!
Showtime (9)

Eastern Promises (05) Great crime thriller
Performances, mood, story...all excellent
Can't believe I didn't catch it sooner
Showtime (10)

Ted Bundy Tapes (19) 2 episodes in...
Where do these freaks come from?!?
Excellent series and possibly nightmare-inducing because some wackos actually do this stuff
Looking at the victim's pics was rough...the skulls in the forest really got to me
Netflix (10)

Punisher Season 2 (19) Taking it slow with this beauty of a show because I suspect it will be the last
Bernthal is tops as Big Pun and the direction ,sets, action and atmosphere are perfect
Netflix (10 so far...)

See you around chum👍
