Every once in a while a word strikes me as different somehow, different than I've always heard it, even though it's the same as it always was.
Today, that word is: orange.
I've heard it and said it a million times, but today it's weird. One thing that's setting me off is there are a variety of ways people pronounce it. I say it about how it's spelled: or-anj. My boyfriend says it really sharp: ornch. Mark Healy on Roseanne and the narrator of Forensic Files say: are-anj. Now even the way I say it sounds weird to me.
Oh but I just realized, Mark was played by Glenn Quinn who was Irish doing an American accent, so that may have something to do with the way he says it.
Just FYI, we locals hate it when it’s pronounced Kiss-Ah-Me.😏 It’s like me when I moved to Mississippi I was pronouncing Gautier Go-Tee-Air....No one knew where I was talking about! Finally someone asked me if I was talking about Go-shay! Pass Christian is the Pass or pass crish-tee-ANN.
I have an album that has an instrumental on it, "Kissimmee Kid." No pronunciation guide, haha. I always thought it was "KISS-a-mee" and later heard it as "kiss-SIM-mee." Sounds a little better that way. I think we are saying the same thing.
“Great thing about dogs is they give their owners unconditional love.“ How true! Always...no matter how much you yell at them, or what breaks my heart😭 are those that are mistreated! It was a rough trip, but my little baby girl (yorkie) slept for the time on the road. I was concerned about her going for hours without water, but I didn’t want to disturb her. She’s been very clingy to me and hasn’t been her energetic self since arriving here. New people and surroundings.
Terrible accident on the Florida Turnpike northbound not too far from I-75. I could see traffic backed up for miles...not moving at all. This is the main reason why I always fill up on the half tank...you never know.
Thank you for the info about the new felony law re:animal cruelty! If I was able to do hand stands I would do so. 👏🏻👏🏻 There has to be a special place in hell for child and animal abusers!🤬 Everytime I hear about animal abuse I recall the pitiful small dog in Orlando who got loose and roamed into a neighbor’s yard. The pond scum of a human being dumped a bottle of pool acid on the poor thing! Of course it had to be put down.😢😭 The dog belonged to a small child who became traumatized.
My baby girl is still quite unsettled, but she has two different sizes of the following playpens which give her comfort. Heck, I was more conscientious packing for her than I was for myself. I brought her little house she sleeps in at night which goes inside her sleeping quarters. Nothing is too good for her!
This yorkie is being litter box trained. No grass for her and no outside for her unless on concrete. Her fur is still puppy short so no problem yet. Later into adulthood I will have her groomed and her fur cut very short. She won’t look like the photos of long haired yorkies.
It seems 23 of my 24 hrs is devoted to her. Not much rest due to her needs come first. Tomorrow will definitely be a fun day for me....having a jaw tooth extracted!☹️
Tooth gone! Best tooth removal I’ve had in my life...if there can be a best! He has all of the latest dental equipment...ultra sonic numbing gizmo, Nitrous oxide, very calm procedure.
As far as seafood I’m sick of it! We live on the Mississippi coast and can dine on all you can eat crab legs, shrimp, etc. We have the Royal Red shrimp which are caught in very cold water 3,000 ft deep, served with drawn butter and they taste like lobster. We also have oysters which I prefer grilled. Mississippi is known for its seafood. But, leave the Cajun seasoning off for me! Florida I would say comes in as a second place winner for seafood.
We had a paradise and didn’t realize it until Disney found the state. The state is ruined, has become a parking lot so the environment has changed. Developers have tore the state asunder, every blade of grass is disappearing, trees gone, man made ponds & canals. Wildlife running with no place to go....very sad indeed when Disney came.
I finally had time to read your tale of woe re: the impact of development. We purchased 5 acres in Saint Cloud, Fl back in ‘83. Roads were almost non existent in certain areas past city proper, & a dirt road dead ended at our property. I could drive to Kissimmee in 15 min. This week it took me 1 hour to drive back to Saint Cloud from Kissimmee where my doctor is located!!
Have you been down to the Orlando area recently? I drive from MS to FL twice a year with construction never ending. Our use to be small town had 1 traffic light with 2 lanes. Now the expansion is going to 6 lanes! I got so depressed driving back tears welled in my eyes. Where is my home town of Saint Cloud and who tore it asunder?
Our pristine lakes are no more! Housing developments should not be permitted on lakes with man made canals. See the following which sounds almost like heaven....but it’s not. People fought it but the hand is always out to be filled. Alligator Lake will be destroyed!
Folks here are beginning to worry about the water supply due to the attractions and the influx of newbies to the state. We use to do fine with a 50 foot main well....shallow well no more than 5 foot. Now the main well is down 300 foot and the shallow is where the main well was. My dad put a shallow well in with just a garden hose!
A few years ago wells were going dry all over the county and they aren’t cheap! When we sold our house a few years back the well didn’t pass, so a new one had to be drilled...cost? $7000.00! We are very concerned about the aquifer with the drain on it! People in the know here believe this area is going to run out of water.
Your area is beautiful, but you also are having growing pains. I couldn’t believe the JAX growth when I visited the Mayo Clinic about 4 yrs. ago.
Nice to see you Pete!
I say it like 'ar-anj'
Stupid, I know...can't get past this dopey Yonkers accent!!
Happy to hear from you Amigo, please keep in touch👍
No, there's definitely a difference between how most Americans and British pronounce it and the way the Southerners I've heard pronounce out. Most of the time it sounds more like "veeyacle" with the 'h' hardly stressed at all.
Just check this link. No 'h' is pronounced in general American:
Nobody says vee-hicle with the 'h' stressed??? I'm afraid they do. It also seems to be an law enforcement thing. I hear it all the time on ID. Google "vee-hickle" and you'll see other people have noticed it as well.
I did say "especially Southerners", didn't I? Maybe the Midwest is the same.
Perhaps you don't really get why I mean. Tell me, do you pronounce it like the sound sample in the link?
As a foreigner I guarantee you that most Americans on tv (and definitely the British) hardly stress the 'h'. This overpronunciation of the 'h' stands out.
Yes, South Carolina is in the south, which would explain people stressing the 'h', as you claim they do.
Yeah, I think you don't really get what I'm saying. Yes, the sound sample sounds normal. I didn't say the 'h' was silent, I said it was hardly stressed. But some folks pronounce it like vee-hick-ul, with the 'h' stressed as much as the 'v'. It's a thing.
My dad liked to make up his own pronunciations of words. For him, it was vee HICK el. Bastard became bas STARD. Of course, he used these pronunciations in family and very informal situations.
Homophobic is the general term. It's for anyone or anything repulsed by homosexuality. Whether the reaction after an encounter with homosexuality is running away or violent action or even no action at all is secondary.
Sexualist, however, should also be a word. It's for the feeling of superiority againts different sexualities. Like if a straight person considers homosexuality (or pansexuality, or asexuality, etc.) is inferior. Or a gay person that considers heterosexuality etc. inferior.
Haha porno! I remember a conversation I had with my friends when I was like 13 about what word we should all be using. Porn overwhelmingly took the vote. Porno did and still does sound hilarious.
When 30 Rock came along with a song (?) called "The Rural Juror," that was zany enough I've always remembered it. I can pronounce it fine, but iirc, Jane Krakowski's character couldn't. Too funny.