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Ads for drugs on TV

I don't know if I watch a lot of low-rent TV or what, but I'm constantly seeing ads for pharmaceutical drugs on TV, along with their counterpart class action lawsuit commercials. Everyone looks so happy now they have the right drug, and the side effects sound so scary ! I've been tempted to write them all down, but that wouldn't serve any purpose. Heck, I don't even take vitamins and I try to avoid taking drugs whatsoever. Had an old buddy of mine who lived to be 86 and said he never took anything stronger than aspirin.
Maybe there isn't much discussion value here, but it seems appalling how much "they" want us to take their drugs.


It's what happens when people are living longer lives but not necessarily better lifestyles, a lot of it being genetics and the need to prescribe medication at the pace of a pill mill, for better or worse.

People's lives have changed so much over the past 50 years, not outside as often to get fresh air (if possible), practicing sedentary habits like sitting at work all day or not being as active as needed, staring at a screen all day too.

You know the old stereotype about the nerd and the jock; how the nerd is a bookworm, inside all the time, suffering from eyesight problems and asthma while the jock, although as bright as a dumb barnyard owl, has none of those issues. There might be a basis behind this imagery.



This doesn't happen on Canadian TV although we do get the ads on American TV channels.


The pharma ads are the worst!
'Our pill will stop your migranes but you may experience anal leakage and homicidal thoughts...'

No thanks


I always get a laugh when they mention the possible side effects which is usually everything.


Side effects also include experiencing unusual dreams. Don't want to undergo a Twilight Zone episode thank you very much. (^_^)



Don't take this if you are allergic. Talk to your doctor before taking this prescription drug. Stop taking it if it's making you ill.


If you or a loved one has died taking this medication. . .



Now there are a bunch that say not to take the drug if you're recently had or been exposed to tuberculosis.



Medicine seems awful...let's just stick to rum, weed and a prayer!



I get it Amigo...I'm a huge fan of Jesus too👍

Figure I'll bring my own when I show up at his party



Too kind bud


As an Australian whenever I see those US ads (due to some shows I watch on streams) and they say talk to your Doctor before taking, I think well yeah duh it's the only way you can get those drugs if they're prescription. To me it highlights how messed up the state of getting things like that is if they say you should talk to your Doctor, as your Doctor should know because of your case history what's suitable, but nope a lot just write out prescriptions. Sure there are some dodgy ones out there that take big pharma money, however it is mostly because resources are stretched to the limit and they end up just churning through patients ... hence the opioid epidemic I guess.

Of course that is Big Pharma's way of shirking responsibility due to lawsuits, as it gives them a: Hey, we said talk to your Doctor, even if said at a million miles an hour with a list of words doing the same going across or up the screen.


Thanks for caring about this conversation ! Thanks for your reply !


I hear you.



I would rather have whatever I have than most of the side effects!


the side effects are worse than the original symptoms!


Side effects may include anal bloating, bleeding eyes, and watching our stocks soar at your expense.


For sure!
You ARE going to buy the farm but the stockholders will have a Scrooge McDuck swimming pool of cash


"Side effects may be death" is a crowd-killer!


Take this pill for depression. Note: side effects may include increased thoughts of suicide.




It's all about making money. Countries with a free health service don't have these ads as there's already an approved list of medications for doctors to prescribe. It's just pharmaceutical companies trying to scam cash out of people. It Should be illegal but too much money is made so it'll never change 🙄.


Thanks for your reply. Since I've lived my entire life in this free market, I don't think about how so much would be different under rational universal health care. Would love to see this in my lifetime.
