
I was lucky enough to receive a few pounds of venison today in a few different cuts. Some are simply labeled "steaks" and the rest are loin chops and tips. Anyone have a preferred cooking method? I know its lean meat, so I'm thinking of just cooking it a few minutes per side on a cast iron skillet until medium-rare. Can't wait!


This time of the year id get the crock pot out and put those tips, potato's, carrots, and onions all in there and let it sit all day. And throw a tray of biscuits In the oven too. The ones that only take like 15 minutes to make.


I’ve had a venison stew made that way. Very tasty.




Excellent suggestion. It was the tips in particular I was wary about.


This is exactly what I did one year when a friend gave me some during deer season; I made a hearty stew. I added portobello mushrooms during the last hour of cooking because they have a somewhat beefy texture and complemented it nicely. Many people like to blend venison with other meats in order to tone down its gamey flavor.


A light flour/salt/pepper coating after an egg wash and browned in butter can't be beat. Chili is a hood choice, as well as anything Crock-Pot as said by the other reply.


A cooking show I saw said that venison either needs to be cooked lightly and served rare, or stewed or braised slowly.

It's a tough meat with very little fat in it, and you can't just grill it up like a good steak. Stewing or braising adds moisture to a "dry" meat.


My New England neighbor, go to Google, search by “best recipes for Venison steaks.” Venison is yummy. Was it felled by a gun? Are all the bulkets our? And don’t scrimp on the sides, perhaps baked ‘taters Au Gratin, steamed and buttered Broccoli and Kale, and a tasty Merlot, followed by ice-cold Dutch chocolate ice cream (in front of a roaring fire, ‘cause it’s cold as CENSORED here in New England right now), with chocolate sprinkles and soothing Jazz and/or Classical music (or a combination of the two, e.g., Traffic, Spirit or Vanessa-Mae)?


The deer was taken by a bow as part of a culling program. Its been a while since I've had venison, so I'm really excited. Instead of potatoes, I've been diggin' the mashed acorn squash lately.


Very good choice.

I have tremendous respect for those who hunt by bow. I don’t dislike guns, especially not for self and/or family protection, but I think that hunting should be on a more equal footing. If you want to drop your meal, put some sport into it. To me, the bow is one of my martial arts. I hope you and yours enjoy your meal!


I have never had venison. I have had moose and caribou.
