I already pick and choose judiciously what I'm watching, therefore I don't really feel the need to "watch less" as I don't think what I do watch is entirely worthless.
I think TV can be, has been and can still be, a valid form of entertainment, information and even education (yeah I said it, lol!) And yes in my opinion there are some things of enduring value.
There are still amazing documentaries being made by the likes of David Attenborough, for one example, if you're into that. I like documentaries on wildlife, history, all kinds of subject matter. I don't think that's a waste of my time and sometimes I even learn something or see another view about something that I will investigate further myself.
There are also some great things that have come from TV, quality productions like The Sopranos, The X-Files, etc. I still find new things I like.
I'm not one of those people who just sit there and watch whatever all day long, or mindlessly channel surf. I actively look through listings, set up recorded shows and just watch the material I've selected.
Not too different from someone selecting from Netflix. There is good stuff to be had, you just have to pick things out and ignore the rest.
Books and reading is no different -- there's as much junk out there for a reader as you can say there's junk TV -- but you pick out the quality and read that, ignoring the rest.
I've known people who are snobs about TV, claiming it's all crap and they don't watch TV. There are a lot of superiority issues surrounding this, and yet the funny thing is, the people I've known who like to claim they hate TV, think it's all crap, etc -- actually watch TV!!
One friend of mine didn't own a TV and was on a high horse about how great he is for not wanting or needing one. Guess where he spent all his time? Round at my place, watching TV for hours!
Another friend was also a snob about it; he had a TV but also claimed he "Doesn't watch TV."
Yet he had a friend who pirated content off the TV and burned files of all the latest stuff -- and my friend obtained all the latest shows that way! He's still "watching TV" in my opinion, he just got this other guy to hand him pirated files of stuff.
A lot of people claim disdain for "TV" yet are hypocrites who still actually watch stuff. I like to just be honest and own my watching and say yeah, I watch and like TV.