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Are you checking election returns?

I'm taking a look every once in a while. So far, nothing definitive.


Lil bit. Dems may have house and Pubs may keep senate.


Thank you! Nice to know someone cares.


I'm more interested in the local measures, but haven't checked on those yet.


No local measures on our ballot this time, unless you count city council.


Was glued to the tv...then became nauseous!🤢


Sorry if it's not going the way you hoped.


We lost the House! Impeach 45! Impeach Kavanaugh! Excuse me while I go bury my head....🙇‍♀️


Just keep a lid on the anti-liberal murder fantasies this time, deplorable.


Bottom Line: Dems take the House (normal for midterms, Obama lost 60 in his first midterm), but Republicans not only keep the Senate, it looks like they'll pick up four or five seats. And that's the important chamber because they confirm judges for the SCOTUS.

Note: Four Dem Senators who voted against Kavanaugh in that disgraceful witch hunt, lost their seats tonight. Serves'em right!



Can you even imagine what the next two years are going to be like? Vacuous Maxine Waters shouting “Impeach 45!” Nadler shouting “Impeach Kavanaugh!” Nothing but subpoenas and hearings. Oh happy, happy day! Jobs weren’t the important factor because they now have one! Lowest unemployment in 60 years! Wages up! Folks who had given up looking for work are working again! Steel mills running again. Less food stamps being issued. The answer? We are fast becoming a Socialist country, more left wing.

This is my morning after tantrum....I will say no more as I don’t have too many years left to see the damage which will be done as an extension of King O’s policies. As Scarlett said in GWTW: “After all tomorrow is another day....”


Lowest unemployment in 60 years!

Are you sure about that?

Here's your Dear Leader, Lord Trump himself:

So which is it, was he lying about unemployment numbers for 4 years straight, or is he lying to you now?

Shall I keep posting lies uttered by your President?


Did we open steel mills?


The gumming, nobthatching, mudlarking, coster wifing and corksock industries are seeing a huge surge under President Trump. The hugest this country has ever seen! We're bringing back jobs, and we're Making America Great Again.


Google dont even know what that shit means😂one thing none of it means is steel mills though😂


"We are going to do something that's unpresidented in this country, that no other president in our history has ever done before, and we're going to take all the people with a last name of Miller and we're going to put them to work at some of our country's tremendous mills. These are people who have suffered a huge injustice, and we're going to make it right again. Our Millers are going back to the mills."
— President Donald Trump


"Fee fi fo fum...
I smell the blood of an Englishman!
Be he alive...or be he dead... I'll grind his bones to make my bread!"
-The Giant atop The beanstalk


But remember all the Leftist rantings are something for Trump to run against in 2020. And the Demoncrats can impeach all they want, but it will be a waste of time because the Republicans control the Senate.

BTW, I think Mad Max is certifiable. She's also a mean, nasty bitch, and I swear I think her face is going to slide off her head at any moment!



PS And the "Blue Wave" turned out to be a ripple.



And the DJIA is UP 295 points, so that's good!



Wow, you sure are triggered lately.


Not to much but I was curious to see if this blue wave would come...and it did fact it was incredibly poor performance on the democrats was never a question the dems would take the house, but what is amazing is how poorly they did with a person like Trump in office. I wonder if this will effect how the run the house,because they did not get the support for whatever agenda they have with these results.


With the rampant voter suppression being engaged in by the GOP leading up to yesterday, I'm surprised things turned out as blue as they did!

#1 rule in the GOP playbook is that it's okay for them to lie, cheat and steal to win, because it's better than losing.


Funny story....twenty years ago I was issued a new fancy drivers license. It was a credit card. I asked what kind of info would be available on the card. ..and to whom it would be available. I was told it would be info pertinent to law enforcement and the BMV... And that they would be the ONLY
Entities that would have the information👍

Yesterday the volunteer at the booth scanned my drivers license...obtained my actual middle name(not on lisence!) and qualified my signature as "legal". Glad I'm white😂


Rampant voter suppression, on the right its the rampant voter fraud complaint..both are excuses

the reality is the massive blue wave did not occur, its not a surprise that it went blue the surprise was how little blue it was. It is what it is, either the democrats will waste the next two years with petty stuff all but guaranteeing Trump reelection or they will at least make a legit attempt to offer alternatives all Americans can consider.

but this is the end of the politics talk for me..distasteful subj neither side are perfect yet they pretend they are the moral superiority.


It wasn't a Blue Wave, but there were a lot of accomplishments that will work. Dems got the House, and that will mean a lot. Local results in my state are very good. We got a great new governor for starters!


I was mostly satisfied with the results in my state. But now I'm really tired of hearing election news. Time to move on.


I agree!
