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Best performances not nominated for an Oscar

List some performances not nominated for an Oscar that should have been. I will list some I think should have been.

Linda Hamilton Sarah Connor Terminator 2 judgement day
Uma Therman The Bride Kill Bill
Charlize Theron Imperator Furiosa
Jake Gyllenhaal Louis Bloom Nightcrawler
Christian Bale Alfred Borden The Prestige
Hugh Jackman Logan/Wolverine Logan
Brad Pitt Tyler Durden Fight Club
Bill Murray Phil Connors Groundhog Day
Anthony Perkins Psycho
David Oyelowo Martin Luther King Jr Selma


Val Kilmer - Tombstone


Totally forgot about Kilmer in Tombstone great choice.


James Stewart in Rear Window (1954)


Leonardo DiCaprio Django Unchained

Andy Serkis LOTR and the planet of the apes films

Viggo Mortensen LOTR


Oyelowo portrayal of MLK was not very good.


Have to disagree there I thought he did a fantastic job.


Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday In Tombstone....watched this film for the first time about 4 years ago....

Kilmer Blew me away, I instantly went to check a see if he won an oscar for the role...was stunned to see He wasnt even nominated....

James McAvoy in Split
Tom Hanks In Captain Phillips(the last 10 mins of the movie has some of the best acting I've ever seen from Hanks)
Robert De Niro in Heat(thought he Owned this role)
Will Ferrell In Anchorman(completely outside that box, But Ferrell's Ron Burgundy is literally one of the greatest characters ever)
Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man
Hugh Jackmen, Patrick Stewart and Dafne Keen in Logan(IMO all gave Oscar worthy performances)
Jean Reno In The Professional
Mickey Rourke in Sin City
Tom Cruise As Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder(One Of My favorite Characters in A Movie, Just Hilarious, Completely Stole The Movie.)
Mike Myers As Dr. Evil In Austin Powers 2
Sacha Baron Cohen As Borat in Borat the movie
Daniel Craig As James Bond in Casino Royale
Robert De Niro As Jack Burns in Meet The Parents
Ryan Reynolds As Wade Wilson/Deadpool
Chris Cooper as Robert Hanssen in Breach

and One that I feel Most Strongly about-
Jim Carry and Jeff Daniels In Dumb and Dumber(IMO the greatest comedy ever made, One of the greatest moves ever made and 2 of the greatest performances ever)


I'm so glad to see Mickey Rourke get some recognition for Sin City. Sin City is a criminally overlooked comic book film. I also agree about Logan everyone on there was terrific. Robert Deniro in Heat was outstanding! Isn't it insane that movie didn't receive a single Oscar nomination?

I also agree about Hanks in Captain Phillips. He gave amazing acting especially in the last few minutes.

I think Christopher Reeve gave an amazing performance as Superman. I think he deserved a nomination personally. His performance holds up nicely.

I view Terrence Stamp and Robert Downey Jr in the same vein. They made characters which were not very popular into cinematic icons. People automatically thinking those actors when you mention those characters. Rdj made a c list character into an A lister. Same goes for Stamp. No one knew who Zod was before him. No he's like a staple Superman villain.

A big one for me is ian mcdiarmid as Palpatine.


should be "not" nominated


Sylvester Stallone - First Blood
Sigourney Weaver - The Ice Storm, Copycat, Alien 3
Madonna - Evita
Jennifer Lopez - Selena
Michelle Pfeiffer - Batman Returns, Dangerous Minds
Sharon Stone - The Mighty


Jerry Lewis - Best Supporting Actor - King of Comedy (1982)

Tremendous performance, nothing like what I would expect from Lewis.


Rutger Hauer - Blade Runner
Ray Liotta - Goodfellas
Christian Bale - American Psycho
Jack Nicholson - The Shining
Alicia Vikander - Ex Machina
Jim Carrey - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Scarlett Johansson - Lost in Translation
Johnny Depp - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Rooney Mara - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo


Nice list Rooney Mara actually was nominated. I thought she should have won that year honestly.
