We hear constantly about male privlidge and white privlidge, cisgender, heterosexual, ableist, etc... People actually work full time jobs coming up with new categories. But yet the most obvious category is always left out. Wealth privlidge. It's extremely unfair to chastise white males for oppressing other groups when the white males are usually working class people and the so called victims are wealthy celebrities. Jews are even considered a victim class when they are the wealthiest group of all.
Social justice warriors have too much money and too much hated.
Look up intersectionality. There are people out there who are trying to look at it from as many angles as possible. They're often not the loudest ones.
Intersectionality is what I was talking about, the people who spend their whole day at a desk deciding how a disabled black male ranks against a transgender white female in the hierarchy of privlidge. Wealth and class are nowhere to be found because social justice is just a weapon for rich people to use to shift their guilt onto white males are large most of whom are poor and disadvantaged by the system.
We don't need many angles. We need one obvious one that is being ignored and exposes the whole thing.
Social justice warriors like to dissect everything into sexuality's,genders and races.The area that i live in has a small amount of homeless people who are always walking the street because there's a shelter not far from here.The majority of them are white males.Maybe someone should explain their white male privilege to them.
This post is so breath-takingly vapid, I don't know, nor even care, where to begin.
But I'll toss this out -- w/o looking it up, I'm betting it's "privilege."
Beyond that, I can barely follow what all your mis-spelled whatever words are getting at.
I believe Bill Gates, the late Paul Allen, Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffet, the Detroit Ford family, the Detroit Illitch family, the Bushes, the Trumps, are all examples of White Male P-r-i-v-i-l-e-g-e.
Unless you are a Holocaust denier and ignore the history of Europe, to suggest Jewish people are wealthy and privileged is dumb-founding.
You just say anything that fits your narrative and expect us to go along, just like the dummy Trump.
Hopefully there are smarter people here than you expect.
I am not sure about the word privlidge. It works in my spell checker. I also don't trust liberals on account of clear abuse of words like hate using it as a noun when it should be hatred or hateful. Even scientists misuse the word healthy to describe food, which means the food is not spoiled when they mean healthful as in contributing to good health.
Bill Gates is a beneficiary of white male privlidge? I don't think that has absolutely anything to do with it unless you are saying white males are smarter on account of being white males. That is possible you know. We do see this pattern. Bill Gates is privlidged by his billions of dollars, not by his skin color. He doesn't even like whites or males.
You named a list of rich white males. So Oprah and Obama means there is black privlidge? Surveys show many white people voted for Obama because he was black. He clearly benefited from being black and yet we still wouldn't call that black privlidge because that doesn't make any sense. If rich whites show white privlidge then poor whites must show the opposite. This is really stupid.
You couldn't even stop there. The Bush family can't have male privlidge. The Bush family is half female! The Bush females are even more privlidge than the males because they don't have any of the liability if for example any legal action were ever taken against one of the men who were politicians and businessmen yet the women are entitled to 50% of the loot.
Jews are the most privlidged group by far. It's just a fact. Don't ask me to deny the holocaust on a website where you get banned for it. Most countries will even put you in jail for it, the one and only thing you aren't allowed to talk about. You didn't even bother to challenge the issue which is that social justice warriors refuse to talk about wealth. All you did was prove my point.
Quite a few of the names mentioned had built their fortune with their own hands. They did not get favoritism from the government nor did other white people buy their products based on them being white. Non-Caucasian people have built wealth just as well and the starting point was offering a highly desirable product to the market.