MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Secrets of nutrition.

Secrets of nutrition.

First off it's important to be getting good sleep. People never adapt to lack of sleep as it instead takes a toll on the mind and body. Around 8 hours or so minimum. Bad sleep will result in bad metabolism making you fat.

When you wake up sometimes it is best to skip breakfast. This is called intermittent fasting. It's been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day as that is when you break the fast that took place when you were sleeping. But it's also important WHEN you eat as oppose to being on a set schedule when you are not hungry.

When you go shopping for foods shop on the perimeter of the grocery store. The inner isles contain processed foods. Never eat fast food as it is notorious for making people obese. Plant foods cleanse you, animals foods build you up. Carbs are good for the brain and fullness. Oatmeal being good as a light breakfast. Milk is also good as long as it is whole milk.

Replace coffee with green tea as a source of caffeine. Replace sodas with fruit juices as your source of sugar if you have cravings but only if the container says 100% juice. Jamba Juice is a good example of this. Only drink alcohol when attending communion.


Medication plays a part too though doc.
I used to be on one head med where if I ate a more than a side plate of food I would throw up ... I mean out of nowhere , one mouthful too much and it would all come straight back out. I was underweight and still losing weight because of it.
Now I'm on different head meds where i tend to overeat ... once I start eating a meal I want more before I've even finished what's before me.
I do my best to control myself but I'm still overweight, but my head is in a stable place so I'm happy with that .
