
Anyone else have tinnitus here?
I feel I'll not notice mine for days, but at night I like to have the radio on quietly, and I'll become aware my ears are ringing, and it takes a long time and a lot distraction before I'm not so aware of it. There are worse things to deal with, but when I'm thinking about it, it's bothersome.
I think I listened to too much loud music with headphones when I was younger.


I've been hearing a strange noise in my ears lately too, It's like a low humming noise. It comes and goes but it's driving me bananas.




It's only me that can hear it in the house and outdoors, Interesting article. I can see why it would drive someone to suicide.


I've been hearing the hum since I was a kid. I used to think it was an airplane flying, but no it wasn't. I talked to a friend recently and the friend said that it was "the hum of the universe". I don't even notice in now, but it used to drive me crazy.


It's only started maybe a month or so ago, It's like the noise a big electrical transformer makes. Didn't have it last night though thankfully. ๐Ÿ‘


Yup I have it. I sleep with the tv on all night. The severity varies from time to time. Doesn't bother me too much even when it gets really loud in a quiet room. The plus side is...I like having the tv on all night.


I prefer the radio, and end up hearing a lot of interesting jazz music as a result.


Yeah....the funny thing is I will be dreaming of a particular tv show and I wake up and it's on. So I am hearing the show in my sleep and processing it somewhat...lol


I have a bad case too. Ringing in both ears, the right one is much higher and the left one is louder. Itโ€™s awful. I need something making noise in the room constantly and I listen to white noise, rain, or ocean sounds at night. ASMR is weird at first but that helps sometimes too, like the tapping sounds or brushing hair.


I got tinnitus in one ear several years ago. At first it drove me nuts. Like with you, during the daytime it was okay. It was the nighttime where it really bothered me, when everything is quiet except that ringing.

I started watching movies or TV to fall asleep to, so it wouldn't bother me. Still do that, and may have to for the rest of my life ๐Ÿ˜

You have my sympathies.


(see below)


That sounds awful
Ive heard bad cases can drive the sufferer half mad though i dont know anyone personally afflicted
Best wishes to you


Haha, thanks. I wasn't aiming for sympathy, I was just curious how many people share this problem and how bad it bothers them.



You might find this informative and useful : https://www.tinnitustalk.com/


Yes,i got mine from listening to loud music on my earphones. I've never had it diagnosed but i know what it is. I don't listen to loud music anymore for fear of it getting worse.
