MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > πŸ“£ Rousing idea

πŸ“£ Rousing idea

I have a suggestion to rouse the individual movie and TV boards.

StoneKeeper's regular "what did you watch this week?" post is quite popular. My suggestion is when you answer SK's thread that you also go to the individual board for that movie/show and post, or comment on a post already there.

It's a start, don't you think?


I think that's a great idea!

I don't respond to SK's threads as I usually am in the middle of a week and haven't rounded it all up but I do post on them shortly after seeing them or respond to queries people might have.


It's fine to respond to a very old post, too. That's what some of us did when MC first hit the airwaves.


All that data and how recently is has been responded to is important to search engines and questions people might have for them. It is so important to make sure we keep good threads alive and available for the site to generate enough status as a bastion of movie knowledge and that's why I think your idea is so great GE, let's keep the pace and continue to grow as a membership.



When GE talks i shut up and listen!
Im going to hit a few movie boards right now
As always, thank you Dear Lady


That is pretty smart,cookie😜


I have been doing this from Day 1. I do like the feedback especially on older movies.


See? I got inside your head! Do I have to pay you royalties for this?


I do forget sometimes. Thanks for the reminder.


And now you're making me feel guilty because I've never done it and you've been doing it since the beginning! 😬 But it's okay. I can go back and do it now. Well, as time permits. 😁
