MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Scariest Real Life Moment

Scariest Real Life Moment

Was it life and death? Was it a close call? Was it a scary movie?
No clean underwear? Forgot to shut off the coffee maker?
Was it your first time taking a flight and then the plane crashed down?
Or is that a little too ironic? Don’t you think?

One of mine is when I was managing a Blockbuster way back in the day.
I saw a car pull into the parking lot and turned to park. I heard a squeal
and looked up to see the car jump the curb heading for the store.
I was in the vestibule next to the front doors. The car came crashing through the doors.
Fortunately I saw it soon enough and was able To jump over the counter.
The car finally stopped right where I was standing.
Alcohol was a factor!

What was the scariest moment you’ve had?


I was in a car that rolled a dozen times. I flew off the water slide at six flags. I got robbed at gun point. And I fell off a cliff and had to hike down a mountain with a broken leg. But what scared me most was a shark encounter. It didn't bite me or anything. Just swam real close. That made me nuts.


I said something scary not just a normal week!

I've lost quite a few people in car accidents.
It really is incredible you survived that.
Did you get hurt very bad?


Not at all. My neck was sore for a few days. My buddy in the back got all busted up. He wasn't wearing a seat belt. He bounced around like wrecking ball. A tree came right though the wind shield but it missed everybody. It's just like they say. Everything went into slow motion, I remember every second. I just sat there thinking, "this is happening. nothing to be done about it. just relax. don't tense up."


It really is incredible.

I lost a childhood friend about 15 years ago.
All that happened is they hit a tree on the side of the car. Not going fast, no broken glass,
just barely a dent in the car. He was wearing his seat belt and hit his head at just the right angle.

I'm glad you came through it ok.


Sorry to hear that. We lost a guy in high school who clipped a light pole in a parking lot only doing about 45mph. It don't take much sometimes.


Funnily enough mine was a Blockbuster moment too. I'd just parked and was about to walk in when I saw through the glass that a guy had grabbed a customer and was holding a syringe to her neck yelling at the worker to hand over the cash.

This was in the day when mobile phones were a rarity. I was yelling at people in the street to call the cops if they had a phone. The guy eventually ran off with the cash. That poor woman would have been terrified.


Blockbuster had it's moments didn't it! No matter where you live.

I had a knife pulled on me, a car went through the parking lot and shot out the windows while I was working
(that killed the budget) and numerous drunks and robbery attempts.
Who says retail isn't fun!

Never something like that. Sometimes it's worse to watch others go through it isn't it.
Just a totally helpless feeling.
Thanks for sharing.


Felt really helpless. It was God awful to witness



The time my wife pull a prank on me. She said she had a AIDS test and it was positive..I was scare for my life.

That joke went on for 2 weeks, it was a pay back joke for all my immature jokes I did to her..


Damn, you must have been quite the prankster to deserve that.


Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
If I made you feel second best
Girl I'm sorry I was blind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
And maybe I didn't hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
I guess I never told you
I'm so happy that you're mine
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
But you were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied
I'll keep you satisfied
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time
But you were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind


Nothing comes to mind...but There are some great stories here...good thread my mello fello!👍




Finding out I had kidney disease and my kidneys were already shot.

I remember the doctor telling me they found "irregularities" in my tests. I was on the verge of going into a coma at the time.


I think that qualifies as a scary moment! Hope you're doing better now.


Yes it was years ago. I got a kidney transplant.


I'm glad to hear it.


Extremely scary
I hope you are OK jacob
You seem a fine fellow, Best wishes my friend



Doing better now. Got a donor kidney.
