MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone else...

Does anyone else...

...enjoy letting a film play on all the way through the end credits?
If it's a good film--one that you enjoy--I feel that letting the movie run all the way through the end credits enhances the overall experience. You get information about the production, though I don't always read it all (EDIT: actually, I never really try to read every single credit, it's hard to do that, but sometimes I'm just waiting for the info I want, and kind of assessing the manner in which the info is displayed). And you have the music--the score (EDIT: though of course sometimes it isn't the score per se, sometimes it's a chosen song, like with Goodfellas and Brick, and certain television shows like Breaking Bad and The Sopranos)--helping to give closure to the experience.
Most people I know do not share my enthusiasm for end credits.
Here are some examples of movies to watch all the way through--
--Requiem For a Dream
--Eyes Wide Shut
--There Will Be Blood
And there are so many more. Does anyone know what I mean?


I always let the credits run especially with animated movies. So many funny animated inserts I would miss seeing if I stopped the disc after the movie. That pathetic pre-historic squirrel chasing his acorn in the Ice Age movies is a hoot! Also, if I like the soundtrack, vocalist or composer I will sit patiently stopping and starting to read the info. I could always tell if James Horner scored the movie as his arrangements all sound similarly. Too bad we won’t be hearing his compositions any more as he died when his plane crashed in 2015. Too young (it is to me!) at age 61.

BTW, if you exited the movie theater or stopped the disc at the end of Titanic, you would have missed hearing Celine Dion singing the heart wrenching “My Heart Will Go On”. James Cameron didn’t want vocals during the movie....only instrumentals. That was the only time I purchased the soundtrack before viewing the movie. Enya sings during the credits in several “Lord of the Rings”.


On the other hand, there are times you should RUN before the music starts....


I agree! If it’s hard rock with pitch harmonics...I mute the squealing! Definitely exit as fast as you can!


Netflix is the worst!
it will put the next episode on straight away , hardly giving you breathing time to absorb what just happend.
or if its a film , it'll immediately put some other random film on.


Amazon Prime likes to cut things off at the credits now, too, at least with television shows. Right now I'm rewatching The Sopranos, and discovered this the hard way. You have to press the exact right command (which is damn near microscopic) when it pops up in order to let it play through, and you have like five seconds to do it. I think they are catering to binge watchers.


This trend really sucks
The credits are often pretty interesting


"I think they are catering to binge watchers."
I'm a binge watcher , but whats wrong with having a "click here for next ep" available while the credits play out?
I reckon it must be some psycological marketing thing to keep you hooked. very disappointing


Yeah, exactly. I've binge watched myself, but you should have the option if you are not in binge mode.


They need to stop doing this
It is beyond annoying and frankly, it goes against our deal with Netflix...we should be able to read the credits and hear the music 'til the end/blackscreen

Annoying to say the least!


Totally agree


it used to depend on how well the data was going.


My dad would always force me to watch the whole credits.



he bribed me with worther's. otherwise I guess I just behaved.


. . . know how to make an actual headline for a topic that’s a complete statement, and not a peek-a-boo half-assed headline ending with an elipsis, the result being about as pleasing for the reader as chewing gum without taking it out of the wrapper? What is SO HARD about that?! The half-assed, elipsis
headline in a verbal Glory Hole. The consumer does not know what he’s putting himself into. Just finish the sentence, e.g., Does Anyone Else Watch Movies Till The End Of The Credits?, Is Anyone Else Gay?, Is Anyone Else Stupid Enough To Believe In Creationism?, Does Anyone Else Small Worse Than I Do?—und so weiter.


Lol, I hear where you're coming from. But I like being mysterious...


I almost always have. I think it's just a habit from ore internet days and I'd always want to know what a song was and music is always at the end. There are quite a few movies that have funny credits. Besides, it's nice to acknowledge the grips and assistants.


I always let it play through the end credits, especially with older films, just to see the names in case I've forgotten who they were like:
The Day the Earth Stood Still, for instance.
