Movies with exceptional cinematography?
shareWhy is Seconds good cinematography?
Cleopatra is probably the best cinematography ever made.
There are many other great examples out there, too many to mention.
I love the cinematography in "Seconds." It's not for everyone -- I'll grant you that -- but it worked for me. The whole movie has a very kafkaesque feel -- our aging main character is suffocated by the drabness of routine, thinks he can escape, only to discover himself trapped in an existence even more empty and confining than before -- and the cinematography, employing fish eye lens, POV shots, over-the-shoulder shots, hand-held close-ups, Dutch angles, and more, instead of coming across as gimmicky, captures this nightmarish feeling sublimely; it makes the audience every bit as disoriented, paranoid, and alienated as Wilson is.
shareBen-hur,the original
shareThe Shining (1980) - Every frame of that movie is like a painting. Astounding.
shareCity of God.
shareCitizen Kane
The Fall (2006)
The Last of the Mohicans
The Edge