MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The stuff we watch for our sweeties

The stuff we watch for our sweeties

Ever have your Significant Other (hubby, wifey, boytoy or best gal...) get to the remote first and they put on something you never would have watched in a million years?
This happens with alarming regularity on the Shogun Ranch

Just recently my wonderful wife has put me through...

The Bridges of Madison County: i wanted to find the nearest bridge and dive head first off of it...
Clint Eastwood with NO guns!
I cant imagine how this even got made:(

The Notebook: i think there was a dead lady but hell if i know...its an unsexy romantic tearjerker so i was playing with my phone within minutes
Im not sure how you can make an unsexy romance movie but here is proof that it can be done

The Reader: this was actually a pretty good one...nobody to root for in it but interesting characters, an engaging story and the sexy parts were pretty hot

Im getting to that remote first tonight and im gonna play a movie with robots, zombies, car stunts...maybe some Kung-Fu...

Have you ever watched some crappy thing because your SO picked it?
If so, was it awful or sort of decent?


The Great British Bake Off (It's actually not too bad)
Britain's Got Talent πŸ˜πŸ”«
Love Island πŸ˜¬πŸ”«


Id probably like the Bake Off one, im guessing its like Cupcake Wars..?

Ive had to sit through the US Talent version...Theres really very little talent out there:(

Love Island sounds awful!
Maybe sexy, but pretty awful


Yep Cupcake wars sounds similar to the Bake Off

Love island is terrible, some nice looking birds though.


+1 for The Notebook. Not a bad movie but I have this thing where once I’m able to predict the ending I lose interest. My gf at the time used to really get upset even after multiple viewings. Like, why repeatedly watch something that upsets you so much?

