What did you watch on this Independant/Canadian week?(07/01-07/07)
I did not watch as much as I did last week. Sorry guys, this wont happen again. (Especially that Im in vacation for 2 weeks starting tomorrow!!
The Fifth Element (1997 Netflix): Alright so, to kick things off I decided to rewatch this classic or, should I say, what I thought was a classic many years ago. I always remembered the characters (perfect Milla on whom I had a crush, Chris Tucker with his radio show and Bruce the badass lover) and a lot of the scenes were iconic (Chinese restaurant visiting Bruce’s house) but I could never remember what the story was. Well I found the problem; there is no story to remember of , just a thing about stones. It takes more than that to impress the Stonekeeper and you know it. Fun mindless movie with great atmosphere and attention to detail that might or might not be a classic, not so sure anymore. What IS sure is; Bruce Willis saved the world. 7/10
Being John Malkovich (1999 DVD): “A puppeteer discovers a portal that leads literally into the head of movie star John Malkovich.” Unique, strange, surprising, uncomfortable, funny ; here are a few words that can describe this movie about the weirdest love rectangle ever. Some parts were great, a lot were good and a few were bad. 7.5/10