MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you seen anything that defies conve...

Have you seen anything that defies conventional explanation?

Ghost? Unidentified flying object? Time slip? I'm not sold on such phenomena completely, but it seems arrogant to say it's not possible. I don't believe in God, due to a serious lack of evidence on the subject, but I could be proven wrong if I witnessed something that undeniably proved God's existance. I feel very comfortable saying I believe there is intelligent life outside of our planet, and that they have visited us. I don't believe in life after death, but haven't seen any apparitions to make me think otherwise. I did once see what I believe to be an alien craft, but I won't say more because I'll use it in my writing somewhere. I know that sounds crazy, but seeing is believing.


The tap (faucet in some other countries) keeps turning on slightly in the bathroom, which is right next to my bedroom. I hear it when I'm trying to go to sleep. I personally can't think of a reason why this keeps happening.


Sounds like water pressure affecting a faucet that may need to be tightened up a bit. Also, if it mostly happens at night, that is when water usage is lowest, thus water pressure is highest.


This week a bunch of 20 something guys sitting on the grass in the park listening to boy/girl band music, one of them nodding along like he's totally rocking out.



This is about a person. I had a person in my life for which there was no way to describe them. I'm still unable to find an adjective that fits.


This copying machine I use, I don't know how it accomplishes what it does.... First off, it scans in color, even one signature in blue or even one swipe of a highlighter.

The weird thing is that it knows the difference between color on the paper, and the color OF paper. You can have a page with yellow highlighter on it, and other colors, but if there is a yellow post-it note stuck to the page as well, the scanner recognizes that the post-it is yellow paper, and turns it white, without affecting the other colors on the page.

If there's blue writing on the post-it, the blue remains. If you scan a pink piece of paper with blue writing, the pink is turned white and the blue remains (in this instance, the blue is imperfect, but it doesn't look properly blue on pink paper in the first place).

The post-it notes are the part that's most interesting. It can actually be a bit annoying, because if you want to make sure the post-it still appears instead of handwriting that looks like it's written on the page itself, the auto color will drive you nuts.

I'm sure there is a setting for turning off any auto color correction which will preserve the paper color, but I haven't found it since I haven't needed it.

Now the really annoying part is scanning colored paper in black and white, which causes the background to be darker. It doesn't correct the paper to white for that! I mean seriously, come on!


I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.



Saw weird stuff at sea during my Navy days but they all had a logical explanation in the end.

But for one incident...

One morning we were about 200 miles off Canada's West Coast. It was sunrise, I was on watch on the bridge.

Suddenly, ahead of us, a bunch of us on the bridge saw trees and mountains coming up over the horizon. Now, I've experienced atmospheric conditions that can cause light to bend over the horizon so that distant objects appear much closer. Rare, but it happens.

Here's the weird part though. Radar can't be fooled this way. It operates strictly on line-of-sight. While the bridge staff were pondering this mirage, the operations room called up and asked us: "Bridge, do you see anything ahead of us?"

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, as the OOW (Officer of the Watch) cautiously asked: "Why do you ask ops?"

"Uh... we are seeing some sort of land mass ahead of us on long-range radar, sir."

No way to explain it. The apparition faded after five minutes or so. Simultaneously, it disappeared off radar too.

Time portal? Alternate dimension? Cue Twilight Zone music...


My UFO story... Again at sunrise. I was on watch on the bridge.

The port lookout reported an aircraft following us. I looked out, saw a bright light in the distance. Like the lookout, I assumed it was the landing lights of a light aircraft. Odd since we are so far out at sea, but I didn't give it much thought otherwise.

A few minutes later, the port lookout called me over again. "Sir, this aircraft... it's tracking us and it's not making any noise."

Sure enough, the light was exactly in the same position with respect to us and we couldn't hear engines of any sort.

Making a long story short, our navigator dug into his star charts and we determined the light to be Venus.

I was familiar with Venus and other planets in the sky... my step-father was an enthusiastic amateur astronomer who often showed us planets in the sky. But never before had I seen Venus look so large and so bright.

Now, whenever I hear people scoff at the idea that pilots, police, etc could mistake a planet for an alien spacecraft, I nod because I know better.


Yes. His name is Donald Trump.
