I haven't personally witnessed anything, but I've known others who claim to have. Stuff about ghosts and the like, I'm not a believer but I'm open-minded, let's say. About God and an afterlife, well, I was raised to be Christian, and right now I wouldn't exactly call myself an atheist; my position now is basically just that I don't know. When I die, if there is an afterlife I'll find out then, and if there isn't, then I won't because my consciousness won't exist to consider it anymore.
As for extraterrestrial life, I don't think that defies conventional explanation at all. I've never agreed with the way alien life is lumped in with the supernatural and things like that. Once we do discover it (which I'm confident we will), it will quickly will become a mundane fact like the existence of any other kind of life. Frankly, considering the sheer enormity of the universe, it strains credulity to believe that there ISN'T life elsewhere in the universe. The same building blocks for life which exist on Earth surely also exist elsewhere. Whether that life possesses human-level or greater intelligence is another question, but that's certainly possible as well.
On the idea that aliens have visited Earth, eh, I don't believe that. I don't think they could have done so without leaving significant evidence, nor can I see why they would want to conceal themselves. I find it hard to believe that alien spacecraft travel some gargantuan distance of thousands or millions of light years just to play tourist, silently observe us and hide from view. If some alien civilization ever does visit Earth, I think we'll know it right away, just for the sheer impact such an event would make, whether their intentions are benign or malevolent. Look how monumentally destructive we humans are with everything we touch on our own planet. If something SO foreign as aliens in a spacecraft show up on our planet, they're going to have a significant impact, whether they mean to or not.