MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Enough is Enough...Love Thread part 2

Enough is Enough...Love Thread part 2

Lets mention a few things here that we love about our fellow talk of Mods, self deleting chatter or fight picking...
I think we have had a belly full of the rough talk for now...

Dazed...what can a fella say...she is amazingly witty and her jabs are sharp
One of our very finest!

The Dean
Nobody says more with fewer words
You dont gain the appreciation of scores of random strangers on the 'net without being smart, funny and wise like Solomon
Cheers to Hownos🍻

I love Stratego because she gives me a terrible time constantly...i'm going to go ahead and assume she is just smitten with me!
I really quite like her too;)

GlenEllyn...i worry about her and her no A/C situation but hopefully she has retreated to Mr and Mrs Neighbors house by now as they are at their lakehouse...
Glen is our sweetest and kindest lady!
I simply adore her

dewey...this dude is the champ
All excellence all of the time
None better

db loves to give you the smart, hard responses...i enjoy his zingers and i have had a bunch of laughs with him
I also admire his taste in movies

That is BY NO MEANS all...but im running out of room

Mention a poster or two you admire my friends...its time we showed each other some love and kindness✌️


I am going to name posters, current and gone, whom I like. Some of them have gone unrecognized, because they do/did not post in Sweetwater (which the Westworld TV series has obliterated!)/General Discussion, because they care/cared about the soul of MovieChat, and not about the high school social triviality that it has become.

The Lovely Anomaly. Elegant, refined, very intelligent, always a joy to read. Very strong people/social skills. MC should be delighted to have her as a member of this society. I am.

Leia of Lothlorian. Long gone, and much missed. MC needs to ask where it went wrong! Intelligent, kind, sweet, gentle, imaginative, passionate in an extremely endearing way, loveable, embraceable; and, yet, we lost her. She and I both LOVE the Fantasy genre—which used to be called Myth. Did you know that George Lucas read the entire Golden Bowe mythology treatise before he began writing the Star Wars scripts? Myth and legend are the most powerful foundations of human storytellng. Her inspired username fused together Fantasy and Science Fiction.

gun will travel. Takes his name from THE best US cowboy TV series of all time, Have Gun, Will Travel (which was an homage to the radio series, Have Tux[edo], Will Travel.) Smart as anything. Insightful, ascerbic, would rip most of you who consider yourselves snarky a new one in a split nanosecond; and, yet, we seem to have lost him.

HarvardBarbie. Far and away the most astute, most intelligent, best-educated and cultured poster whom I have ever encountered on an Internet message board, ever. I mean, ever. We were friends. That is all that I am going to say. She left because she was so disappointed in this place. I know that most of you never noticed her. Ask her about Eva Cassidy.

chrisjdel. Intelligent, astute, literate, insightful. No wonder that he almost never posted on General Discussion, and then, only at my
request. Yet another loss for MC, but a poster almost completely unknown to
GD, the Sweetwater fairhaven of the MC Highschool set.

thewaitress. She’s terrific. She has a heart as big as all
outdoors. She’s in a fantabulous romantic relationship with a man who deserves her. She is wonderful, and I think that she knows that I will kill for her, and not think twice about it. Celebrate this woman!

exatera. Not a GM denizen. I find her in the hinterlands. Do we always agree? No. Do I
always respect her? I do, unreservedly.

Catbookss. Wonderful, charming, enchanting. A real credit to
MC. Ask her about Eva Cassidy. She is one of the few reasons why I stick around.

Dazed. Possibly THE spine of MC, and another reason why I remain. She is a joy forever. I hope that she considers me a friend. She is a much-needed voice of good sense and reason, and it infuriates me when peabrains fuck with her.

MissMargoChanning. Class, dignity and style the whole way. Another reason why I remain. She is a mainstay for this site. Ask her about Eva Cassidy.

MinaVladamir. I don’t think that she much likes me, and that is clearly her prerogative; but, if so, then I am saddened; but she is one of the pillars of MC. She is reasoned, creative, funny, impressively bright, with a European command of languages (like Stratego) that embarrasses most of us Yanks.

Stratego. Sexy, charming, completely intelligent. A vexin’ vixen with a very agile . . . mind. Yeah, that’s it: mind.

godewey. A very good man. Intelligent, spirited. We are most definitely not kinded, but he is a boon to this website.


Nicely stated
Im glad you have many folks you admire and enjoy
Ive got quite a bunch too
Thank You


Thank you.


Lots of people here seem nice and cool, but I don't really interact with individuals very much. One exception I'll mention is Stonekeeper; he always posts interesting and enjoyable threads which I'm drawn to, and seems like a good person, the sort of person that would be fun to hang out with.

Beyond that, most people here seem ok but I don't really know any of them, despite recognizing many usernames. There are a few I dislike, and only one whom I've blocked, but I won't name names because why bring up negativity here. Anyway most Moviechatters seem alright.


Its impossible to NOT love our Stonekeeper!
The guy is class and the whole crew digs him👍

You add plenty of fun too btw
