Takashi Miike.

So what do we all think of this insane and over the top violent Japanese action, horror, surreal thriller and generally disturbing cinema director and what are our favourite films of his?

My favourite movie of his is "Ichi the Killer" (2001) by the way but I am also an admirer and an appreciator of many other works of his, even if after 2010s or so, though having some good and decent moments occasionally, he kinda lost some of his extraordinary magic and touches.

Still I really dig this guy and own most of his films on DVDs. And along with the likes of "Beat" Takeshi Kitano, Shinya Tsukamoto, Takashi Ishii, Kinji Fukasaku and other visionary masters of Japanese cinema, including some little known ones from 60s and 70s, some late and some still alive, he really does deliver.

Of course it often goes with saying that in general, his films are DEFINITELY NOT for the faint hearted or easily offender or squeamish in any way, and definitely not for kids. As they often involve plenty of violence including bloody killings, sexual violence (of men and women and sometimes even underage), strong language, disturbing and unsettling atmosphere, drugs and even David Lynch-like weird surrealism from time to time, and even if some of his releases are a little censored, they still retain that power.

But if cinematically like me you are into that kind of movie stuff, dig Miike and prepare him to blow your mind.


I actually have a few of his films lined up to watch on a few services. I watched Dead or Alive series, Ichi the Killer, Audition. I have Blade of the Immortal on the Netflix DVD list and Gozu on Amazon Prime list. Generally if I see his name on something I will add it to the list to watch at some point. You are right if you are easily offended or squeamish he is not a director for you.


Gozu is FUCKED!

Watch it!


I just actually got Audition to watch and I'm going in knowing nothing much about the director. I take its one of those types of movies you can't unsee?


Its a great unsettling Japanese psychological thriller masterpiece and one of Miike's top 3 best works.


I'll have to watch it soon. I was a little bit afraid to. haha


Hi Miss Daisy! Good to see you here again.


Hi Texas Jack, good to see you too :)


I love him and saw about 15 of his impressive 100 films.

Different films of his were my fav at different moments. Right now I'd say IZO


Anybody seen this one very early 1991, arguably first ever film of his, called "Red Hunter: Prelude to Kill", how was it?


Nop, not seen it sorry.


My favorites

The Happiness of the Katakuris
Visitor Q
13 Assassins


Gozu is beyond weird but fascinating.

Visitor Q is... hummm.... it's...well, you know.

Im surprise to see them in your Tops, good show bro.


I'll surprise you every once in awhile SK.
I do watch a lot of Japanese films. Old and new.
Something about the weird and twisted ones that I can't get enough of.


Oh I feel you.

Any recommendations?

One of my favorites is Tokyo Gore Police, I liked Coldfish a lot but I watch more Korean flicks than Japanese.


I'd have to think.

First ones that pop into my head

Spider Forest
3 Extremes

Not all of these are straight up "bizarre" but I liked them all.
Some scenes in all of them that stand out in my mind.


Thanks. only one I saw is three extreme.

I remember telling one of my friends I had found the craziest movie ever and when he came at my place to watch it we both were pretty disappointed. The first story was a bit repetitive but nicely shot .
The second story was weird, a bit long but I had a cool atmosphere .
This third story had the more success with me as I think it feel more like a quality horror.


I've only seen Audition but that's a great movie.


Im watching one of his films this week.

Stay tuned for next weekS' movie thread.
