MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Hey mods, how about a little balance?

Hey mods, how about a little balance?

I had a post deleted and a warning for returning an insult in a post and it was called "flaming". Yet today, I've reported 3 people who have made personal attacks on me, yet their posts remain. The word moderator comes from the word moderate, meaning: average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree. It's fine if you want to take sides, it's not my website, but at least call yourselves censors and be honest that it isn't moderate.



Do you think making a post like you just made does NOT make you an asshole? People in glass houses...


I've just reviewed our newest reports email and can only find two submitted by you. One post I've handled, the other wasn't flaming you. Flaming means name-calling another member.

As you noted in your PM to me yesterday, we do our best to be as even-handed as it's humanly possible to be.

If you'd like to PM me with a link to and copy of the post that offends you, feel free, and I'll take a look.


Good day, Mod3. I was curious to know the mods' opinion on the poster named Deliciousfeet and his constant attacks on other posters through his one-sided rap battles.

reply posted the first insult...I just rose above that silliness and it salts your dog! Hate the game and not the player...and don't go snitching once you ride the ride! Have some dignity!


I called you out for bombing the boards with a shitload of ridiculously childish threads. Now go back under your bridge.


So you're against childish threads now? How about children? Sounds like you're being a wee bit over sensitive there, you little cutie.



"Shatego"? Really? He should be put in a cage with pedophiles.


Okay, maybe that was a bit over the top. On the other hand buck up, Buttercup, and untwist your panties.



Thanks for acting like a real man and defending my honor, bucko!😑


Sarcasm does not become you, sweetie. And I think you do a great job defending your honor. You don't really need my help.



Everything becomes me and you know it!





Dang. I see what you're talking about.



Right...but never again😉 well...maybe again but know😉


Well okay then.






Greetings Stratego,

When I last looked at the thread I believe you're referring to, there were no attacks or insults. It appeared to be a creative effort to bury the hatchet.

If there's a post where Deliciousfeet or anyone else is insulting another member, feel free to PM me with the info.



In the interest of balance too. I would point out that the person that thread was about is fairly handy with the name calling himself not just to myself but others too.

I don't want to report it because I have now put the poster on ignore. He should certainly try doing the same.


Greetings Dazed,

Yes, I'm aware of that. Just so you know, Deliciousfeet did not break any rules in any of his posts that I've read on those threads, and hasn't been given any warning. The problem was the threads had gotten too contentious and many members flagged them today. The wisest course was to put an end to them in the interest of restoring harmony, as best I'm able to do.

So far, I haven't seen any of db20db's posts that have outright flamed anyone, although he's come close. Still, bricks and glass houses.

I agree making use of the imperfect ignore feature would be best, for both posters.


You are wise Mod3.


Nice to see you back Mod3 praise be😇


Thanks, Dazed. Let us now bow our heads a moment to give thanks to Our Lord Jim 😇


For like that other god, we cannot see him we just have faith he exists😇


John 20:29
“Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”



Thanks Mod3! I agree with your assessment.



Sweetie, don't you know that Feet is just being facetious? There's no malicious intent there. Or do you just not understand or appreciate his satirical humor?



I do not appreciate his childish, lame-ass troll "humor".


So just ignore him sweetie, cause the rest of us think he's hilarious. That's why they make chocolate and vanilla.



I think you need to speak for yourself, MovieMan. Many of us do not find him funny. It wouldn't be such a big deal if he kept it to one thread.


Oh really, and who might that be? Speak for yourself, sweetie.



Several have already spoken out, so forget about "the rest of us". Keep it up and you can forget about another visit to my basement!


Oh no! Don't ban me from visits to your basement! I live for those!



I will reinforce that Mod#3. I've resolved to report him if he starts in on me one more time.


Greetings db20db,

I'll offer the same to you. If there's a post where Deliciousfeet is directly insulting you, PM me with it.


That would be a lengthy, time consuming process on my part. He's created three threads over a several week period basically revolving around me. Isn't there any way you could see how inflammatory his posting history is ? Mod#5 is definitely aware of him.


I'm only aware of two threads revolving around you. They appear to be efforts to patch things up with you, although I can see why you'd think they were attacks.

I've put an end to the two I'm aware of and are current, which have become inflammatory. Time to tuck this in and put it to bed.


Yeah, a number of members here are weary of this crap. Thanks again for that quick response.


You're welcome.


Thanks for acknowledging this post, sincerely. I sent you a pm.


You're welcome. Reading your PM next.


How many mods are on here?


Mod 3 4 5&6
