MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > 1 better inspiring movie than "Pursuit ...

1 better inspiring movie than "Pursuit of Happiness"

I've watched "Pursuit of Happiness" more than 25 time from 2006 to till yet. but I couldn't find any similar movie that have same inspiring spirit. I have watched lots of movies but this movie is really wonderful. Both Will Smith as Chris Gardner and Jaden Smith as Christopher Gardner have worked superb. I just loved. but now I want a favor from you guys. please suggest any movie better than "Pursuit of Happiness" or similar.


Not better just different.

The Power of One
Field of Dreams
My Left Foot
Life is Beautiful
Bicycle Thieves


It's actually Pursuit of Happyness, with a "y." Anyway, I recommend my favorites (not necessarily better) uplifting movies: Forrest Gump, The Shawshank Redemption and Little Miss Sunshine.


Groundhog Day





Not long ago probably January-ish. It is a gritty film and I know what you mean about being darker, especially Paulie's outburst at Thanksgiving with the baseball bat which hinted at domestic abuse towards Adrian previously. It would explain her timidness etc.

I actually prefer Rocky II, it gets the adrenaline going 👍



I tried to get my son's into the Rocky film's but they weren't interested, same with Raiders of the Lost Ark. Pity.



That's the problem these days, It's phone phone phone. I know how you mean, It's hard to grab their attention with the likes of Jaws or Rocky after they've been growing up with Marvel and CGI type films.





I would say Rocky 1 and 2 together is the complete uplifting story. They live hard lives, the films do not hide this. It was a guy trying to make something of himself and then finally achieving it. IT was a grittier story making his achievement at least to me even more rewarding.


Couldn't agree more Bishop, These 2 were the pinnacle as far as i'm concerned.


The bad news bears kicks pursuits ass😉


Agreed, and has far superior rewatchability (I am assuming we are not talking about the remake) ;)

reply remake for me...Walter was my cat! Rewatchable AF! And a huge lesson...especially to the younger generation...on...get ready for it...LOSING! That's participation trophy for all! Winners got that trophie that looked like a Buick...losers...well they got to drink beer😱 but that trophie got pillaged from monopoly😂
But in the season!!! Watch that shi t every summer👍


Harry and Tonto


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
It's A Wonderful Life


The Bishop's Wife - 1947
