champagne: Like this: [SHamˈpān]
chamfer: [ˈ(t)SHamfər] Why the (t)? You got me.
chandelier: [ˌSHandəˈlir]
From a certified Australian “I've found a common mistake for Australians using an American accent is the overuse of the letter R. We Aussies don't really pronounce R's as much as we should, especially at the end of words. For example, we would pronounce "under" as Un-dah.
As this is one of the most obvious differences between Australian and American accents, Australians have a habit of adding R's where they don't really belong. An example of this would be the word "China". Occasionally an Australian trying to pronounce this in an American accent will say "Chi-ner".”
I’m still searching for why ch instead of tu.