MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Men who vote Democratic are girly men.

Men who vote Democratic are girly men.

What kind of a man is afraid of guns, identifies as a feminist, and is soft on criminals.

I know, I’s a borderline straw man but I kind of have a point here.


Donald Trump? Oh wait, he cowered away from the guns (by developing bone spurs), grabs feminists by the pussy, and is a criminal. Sorry. Got a bit dyslexic there for a second. :)


Men who vote are girly men ! If a man wants a country he takes it !


Democracy is girly. What? Putting a girly piece of paper into a girly box? That's not what real men in a real country of real men do.

In a real country of real men, all real men just kick each other on the balls. The last real man standing should became the real president.
